openzfsonwindows / ZFSin

OpenZFS on Windows port
1.2k stars 68 forks source link

Unable to import or detect a pool #328

Open ggaussling opened 3 years ago

ggaussling commented 3 years ago


I got a pool named zfspool, but can't get it imported or detected by zfs on windows. One of the drives is a HD400LD USB external harddrive (pd6) which containes the zfs member on the 2nd partition. They are created by ZoL (ZFS on Fuse, but now accessable by ZoL). I once was able to import the pool 'zfspool' by ZFS on Windows. The Pool is stripe.

I installed over on the former installation. I receivesd some BSOD thouch on ntoskernel: CACHE_MANAGER and SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION. Also Panda Dome AV detected an exploit and neutralized it.

 Synchronisierung              Ihr Schutz wurde über die Cloud synchronisiert, um Sie vor den neuesten Bedrohungen zu schützen.    22.01.2021 15:51 Synchronisiert 
 Virus erkannt W32/Exploit.gen Speicherort: C:\Users\Gerhard\AppData\Local\Temp\is-6M7Q1.tmp\OpenZFSOnWindows-release-20200814.tmp 22.01.2021 16:53 Neutralisiert  `

I selected the relevant lines from the output of

cannot import 'zfspool': no such pool available`
path '\\?\usbstor#disk&ven_samsung&prod_hd400ld&rev_wq10#7&2797b027&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
 and '\\?\PhysicalDrive6'
read partitions ok 4
    mbr 0: type 83 off 0x7e00 len 0x2e933d8200
    mbr 1: type 83 off 0x2e933e0000 len 0x2e93bb8200    (zfs)
    mbr 2: type 0 off 0x0 len 0x0
    mbr 3: type 0 off 0x0 len 0x0

asking libefi to read label
path '\\?\scsi#disk&ven_ata&prod_st31500341as#4&4dda929&0&020000#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
 and '\\?\PhysicalDrive2'
read partitions ok 4
    mbr 0: type 83 off 0x7e00 len 0x2e933d8200
    mbr 1: type 83 off 0x5d267c0000 len 0xf767d9c600
    mbr 2: type 83 off 0x2e933e0000 len 0x2e933e0000    (zfs)
    mbr 3: type 83 off 0x1548e55c600 len 0x8c278bc00

pd6 GUID {4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\GSmartControl> .\smartctl.exe -d sat,auto -T permissive -a /dev/sdg
smartctl 6.6 2017-11-05 r4594 [i686-w64-mingw32-w10(64)-b19042] (sf-6.6-1)
Copyright (C) 2002-17, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Vendor:               SAMSUNG
Product:              HD400LD
Revision:             WQ10
User Capacity:        400.088.457.728 bytes [400 GB]
Logical block size:   512 bytes
scsiModePageOffset: response length too short, resp_len=4 offset=4 bd_len=0
scsiModePageOffset: response length too short, resp_len=4 offset=4 bd_len=0
>> Terminate command early due to bad response to IEC mode page

Current Drive Temperature:     0 C
Drive Trip Temperature:        0 C

Error Counter logging not supported

scsiModePageOffset: response length too short, resp_len=4 offset=4 bd_len=0
Device does not support Self Test logging

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\GSmartControl> zpool -V
ggaussling commented 3 years ago

I don't know exactly why Panda Dome blocked the installer, though. VirusTotal doesn't list any detection.

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

USB Drive Info (x64) 5.4.8

Disk Size         = 400,1 GB  /  372,6 GiB  /  400.088.457.728 Bytes
Disk Geometry     = 48641 Cylinders, 255 Heads, 63 Sectors per Track, 512 Bytes per Sector
Disk Signature    = 2238A5D9 (D9,A5,38,22)
PtMgr DiskId GUID = {bc08d8c8-32b4-11eb-ac1e-806e6f6e6963}
Trim Enabled      = no
Disk Writable     = yes
Volume Count      = 1
PartitionTable    = MBR
Partition Count   = 2
Partition1 Type   = 0x83
 Start            = 0x7E00
 Length           = 0x2E933D8200 (200 GB)
 Align            = 512
 Kernel Name      = \Device\Harddisk6\Partition1
 Win32 Device     = \\.\Harddisk6Partition1
Partition2 Type   = 0x83
 Start            = 0x2E933E0000
 Length           = 0x2E93BB8200 (200 GB)
 Align            = 128 K
 Kernel Name      = \Device\Harddisk6\Partition2
 Win32 Device     = \\.\Harddisk6Partition2
Bus Type          = USB
USB ContainerId   = {bc08d8c6-32b4-11eb-ac1e-806e6f6e6963}
Drive Type        = fixed
Device Types      = ---
DevicePath        = \\?\usbstor#disk&ven_samsung&prod_hd400ld&rev_wq10#7&2797b027&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
Device ID         = USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_SAMSUNG&PROD_HD400LD&REV_WQ10\7&2797B027&0
Device ID USB     = USB\VID_067B&PID_2507\6&27C82B11&0&6
Device ID HostCtl = PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E2D&SUBSYS_50061458&REV_04\3&11583659&0&D0
Host Controller   = Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1E2D
USB Speed         = High-Speed
KernelNames       = \Device\Harddisk6\DR6, \Device\0000006b
Win32 Device      = \\.\PhysicalDrive6
Capabilities      = 0x0 (-)
Removal Policy    = surprise removal ('Optimize for quick removal')
Hotplug Device    = yes
Hotplug Media     = no
Removable Media   = no
Command Queueing  = no
Friendly Name     = SAMSUNG HD400LD USB Device
INI Sections      = ---

          ---------------- USBDLM Criteria -------------------
Disk Size         = 1,5 TB  /  1,4 TiB  /  1.500.301.910.016 Bytes
Disk Geometry     = 182401 Cylinders, 255 Heads, 63 Sectors per Track, 512 Bytes per Sector
Requested Align   = 512
Disk Signature    = 8C372EDA (DA,2E,37,8C)
PtMgr DiskId GUID = {1d2f8a40-2620-11e2-a5c6-806e6f6e6963}
Trim Enabled      = no
Disk Writable     = yes
Volume Count      = 1
PartitionTable    = MBR
Partition Count   = 4
Partition1 Type   = 0x83
 Start            = 0x7E00
 Length           = 0x2E933D8200 (200 GB)
 Align            = 512
 Kernel Name      = \Device\Harddisk2\Partition1
 Win32 Device     = \\.\Harddisk2Partition1
Partition2 Type   = 0x83
 Start            = 0x5D267C0000
 Length           = 0xF767D9C600 (1,1 TB)
 Align            = 256 K
 Kernel Name      = \Device\Harddisk2\Partition2
 Win32 Device     = \\.\Harddisk2Partition2
Partition3 Type   = 0x83
 Start            = 0x2E933E0000
 Length           = 0x2E933E0000 (200 GB)
 Align            = 128 K
 Kernel Name      = \Device\Harddisk2\Partition3
 Win32 Device     = \\.\Harddisk2Partition3
Partition4 Type   = 0x83
 Start            = 0x1548E55C600
 Length           = 0x8C278BC00 (37,6 GB)
 Align            = 512
 Kernel Name      = \Device\Harddisk2\Partition4
 Win32 Device     = \\.\Harddisk2Partition4
Bus Type          = SATA
Drive Type        = fixed
Device Types      = ---
DevicePath        = \\?\scsi#disk&ven_ata&prod_st31500341as#4&4dda929&0&020000#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
Device ID         = SCSI\DISK&VEN_ATA&PROD_ST31500341AS\4&4DDA929&0&020000
Device ID Ctrl    = PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E02&SUBSYS_B0051458&REV_04\3&11583659&0&FA
Host Controller   = Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller
KernelNames       = \Device\Harddisk2\DR2, \Device\00000046
Win32 Device      = \\.\PhysicalDrive2
Capabilities      = 0x64 (Removable, SilentInstall, RawDeviceOK)
Removal Policy    = orderly removal ('Optimize for performance')
Hotplug Device    = no
Hotplug Media     = no
Removable Media   = no
Command Queueing  = no
HW Write Cache    = yes, Type=WriteBack, WriteThruSupported=no, FlushCacheSupported=yes, AssumePowerProtected=no, DriveIsPowerProtected=no
Friendly Name     = ATA ST31500341AS SCSI Disk Device
Port Name         = 2-0-0
INI Sections      = ---

          ---------------- USBDLM Criteria -------------------

The ZFS Member partitions

DevicePath        = \\?\scsi#disk&ven_ata&prod_st31500341as#4&4dda929&0&020000#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
Partition3 Type = 0x83
Start = 0x2E933E0000
Length = 0x2E933E0000 (200 GB)
Align = 128 K
Kernel Name = \Device\Harddisk2\Partition3
Win32 Device = \.\Harddisk2Partition3
DevicePath        = \\?\usbstor#disk&ven_samsung&prod_hd400ld&rev_wq10#7&2797b027&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
Partition2 Type   = 0x83
 Start            = 0x2E933E0000
 Length           = 0x2E93BB8200 (200 GB)
 Align            = 128 K
 Kernel Name      = \Device\Harddisk6\Partition2
 Win32 Device     = \\.\Harddisk6Partition2
Bus Type          = USB
USB ContainerId   = {bc08d8c6-32b4-11eb-ac1e-806e6f6e6963}
lundman commented 3 years ago
mbr 2: type 83 off 0x2e933e0000 len 0x2e933e0000 (zfs)

I would totally expect this to work, so it is surprising that it doesn't. But I think someone else may have mentioned issues with USB devices so maybe I am missing something specific to that.

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your comment. I'm sorry, that I don't understand the backtick codeblocks to format the messages more readable.

Could it be that I may upgraded the zfs in pool under ubuntu 20.04 LTS and therefore it is no longer detected? Or maybe I should remove it completely and reinstall with Panda AntiVirus disabled? I mentioned three BSODs with reboot the computer.

lundman commented 3 years ago

The text you showed indicates that the sys is loaded, there isn't anything more to it. (The sys and exe file). It mostly is something missing in the code, best bet is if we could replicate the pool setup with zeroed media, so either the instruction on how to create the problem, or a copy of the pool, can be sent to me to debug....

lundman commented 3 years ago

One backtick-word-backtick would be to highlight one word like so. Three backticks would do a block; ''' (pretend backticks) block text '''

Like so:

block text
ggaussling commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the hint with the backticks. Maybe I'll try the nightlies or so? Bizarre, that it once worked. There is also somewhere a openindiana rpool as a partition on another drive. ZFSin doesn't detect it either.

But that rpool doesn't start no longer. I guess, because I once upgraded the pool from within ubuntu, and the solaris kernel can no longer detect it.

lundman commented 3 years ago

Yes nightlies are the best to run

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

Okay. I'll try that first.

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

The nightly doesn't work either. Not for the datapool zfspool nor for the bootpool rpool.

zpool_open_func_win: enter
cannot import 'rpool': no such pool available
PS C:\Windows\system32> zpool -V

Besides Panda Avast heuristic (CyberCapture modul) blocked it, so it was a bit of a hassel to install it (with F8 and selecting (8) to avoid early loading of AV).

2021-01-23 15_32_30-Window

2021-01-23 16_20_07-Avast Free Antivirus

2021-01-23 15_46_17-Avast Free Antivirus

But VirusTotal doesn't detect the nightly either.

I guess the former BSOD are occuring, due to the AntiVirus-Software. Not sure though.

Nirsoft BluescreenView 2021-01-23 16_40_02-BlueScreenView  -  C__Windows_Minidump

I would say all of these BSOD are happened directly after ZFSonWindows Installation.

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

Hm, that was a short period. Now I get again, after a BSOD:

PS C:\Users\Gerhard> zpool import -f
Unable to open \\.\ZFS: No such file or directory.
Verify the ZFS module stack is loaded by running '/insert windows magic here/' as root.
The /dev/zfs device is missing and must be created.
Try running 'udevadm trigger' as root to create it.
ggaussling commented 3 years ago
2021-01-23 17:27:21.562   Log opened. (Time zone: UTC+01:00)
2021-01-23 17:27:21.563   Setup version: Inno Setup version 6.0.2 (u)
2021-01-23 17:27:21.563   Original Setup EXE: C:\Users\Gerhard\Downloads\OpenZFSOnWindows-release (nightly 20210114).exe
2021-01-23 17:27:21.563   Setup command line: /SL5="$100C98,9804656,1035264,C:\Users\Gerhard\Downloads\OpenZFSOnWindows-release (nightly 20210114).exe" /SPAWNWND=$100E34 /NOTIFYWND=$100E6C "/LOG=.\OpenZFSOnWindows-release (nightly 20210114)_20210123.log"
2021-01-23 17:27:21.563   Windows version: 10.0.19042  (NT platform: Yes)
2021-01-23 17:27:21.563   64-bit Windows: Yes
2021-01-23 17:27:21.563   Processor architecture: x64
2021-01-23 17:27:21.563   User privileges: Administrative
2021-01-23 17:27:21.589   Administrative install mode: Yes
2021-01-23 17:27:21.589   Install mode root key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
2021-01-23 17:27:21.589   64-bit install mode: No
2021-01-23 17:27:21.599   Created temporary directory: C:\Users\Gerhard\AppData\Local\Temp\is-0A6V2.tmp
2021-01-23 17:27:30.546   Calling RestartManager's RmGetList.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.595   RmGetList finished successfully.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.595   RestartManager found no applications using one of our files.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.611   Starting the installation process.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.618   Directory for uninstall files: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows
2021-01-23 17:27:30.619   Will append to existing uninstall log: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\unins000.dat
2021-01-23 17:27:30.673   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:30.674   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\unins000.exe
2021-01-23 17:27:30.696   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-23 17:27:21.377
2021-01-23 17:27:30.696   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.697   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-23 17:25:25.388
2021-01-23 17:27:30.697   Version of our file: 51.1052.0.0
2021-01-23 17:27:30.744   Version of existing file: 51.1052.0.0
2021-01-23 17:27:30.744   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.756   Leaving temporary file in place for now.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.756   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:30.757   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\
2021-01-23 17:27:30.757   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:42:20.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.757   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.758   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:42:20.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.758   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.764   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.764   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:30.764   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\
2021-01-23 17:27:30.765   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:42:20.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.765   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.765   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:42:20.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.765   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.770   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.770   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:30.771   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\kstat.exe
2021-01-23 17:27:30.771   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:46:08.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.771   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.772   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:46:08.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.772   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.796   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.797   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:30.797   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\zdb.exe
2021-01-23 17:27:30.798   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:46:08.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.798   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.798   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:46:08.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.798   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.878   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.878   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:30.879   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\zfs.exe
2021-01-23 17:27:30.879   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:46:08.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.879   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.879   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:46:08.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.879   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.931   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.932   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:30.932   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\zfsinstaller.exe
2021-01-23 17:27:30.933   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:46:08.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.933   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.933   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:46:08.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.933   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.947   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.947   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:30.947   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\zpool.exe
2021-01-23 17:27:30.948   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:46:10.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.948   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.948   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:46:10.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.948   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.997   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.997   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:30.998   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\zstreamdump.exe
2021-01-23 17:27:30.999   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:46:10.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.999   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:30.999   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:46:10.000
2021-01-23 17:27:30.999   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.011   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.012   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:31.012   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\ZFSin.sys
2021-01-23 17:27:31.013   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:44:44.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.013   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.013   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:44:44.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.013   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.093   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.093   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:31.093   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\
2021-01-23 17:27:31.094   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:44:46.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.094   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.094   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:44:46.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.094   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.100   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.100   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:31.100   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\ZFSin.inf
2021-01-23 17:27:31.101   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:42:28.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.101   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.101   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:42:28.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.101   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.106   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.107   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:31.107   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\ZFSin.cer
2021-01-23 17:27:31.108   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:44:46.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.108   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.108   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:44:46.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.108   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.114   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.115   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:31.115   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\
2021-01-23 17:27:31.116   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:42:20.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.116   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.116   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:42:20.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.116   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.122   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.122   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:31.123   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\symbols\kstat.pdb
2021-01-23 17:27:31.123   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:45:04.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.123   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.124   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:45:04.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.124   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.212   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.213   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:31.213   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\symbols\zdb.pdb
2021-01-23 17:27:31.214   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:45:58.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.214   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.214   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:45:58.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.214   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.438   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.439   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:31.440   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\symbols\zfs.pdb
2021-01-23 17:27:31.440   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:46:06.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.440   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.440   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:46:06.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.440   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.689   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.689   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:31.690   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\symbols\ZFSin.pdb
2021-01-23 17:27:31.690   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:44:44.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.691   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.691   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:44:44.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.691   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.926   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.927   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:31.928   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\symbols\zfsinstaller.pdb
2021-01-23 17:27:31.928   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:46:02.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.928   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:31.928   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:46:02.000
2021-01-23 17:27:31.928   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.016   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.016   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:32.017   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\symbols\zpool.pdb
2021-01-23 17:27:32.018   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:46:04.000
2021-01-23 17:27:32.018   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.018   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:46:04.000
2021-01-23 17:27:32.018   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.265   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.266   -- File entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:32.266   Dest filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\symbols\zstreamdump.pdb
2021-01-23 17:27:32.267   Time stamp of our file: 2021-01-14 05:45:54.000
2021-01-23 17:27:32.267   Dest file exists.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.267   Time stamp of existing file: 2021-01-14 05:45:54.000
2021-01-23 17:27:32.267   Installing the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.340   Successfully installed the file.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.341   -- Icon entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:32.341   Dest filename: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OpenZFS On Windows\OpenZFS On Windows on the Web.url
2021-01-23 17:27:32.343   Creating the icon.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.351   Successfully created the icon.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.435   -- Icon entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:32.435   Dest filename: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OpenZFS On Windows\Uninstall OpenZFS On Windows.lnk
2021-01-23 17:27:32.436   Creating the icon.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.527   Successfully created the icon.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.565   Saving uninstall information.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.566   Renaming uninstaller.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.570   Writing uninstaller messages: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\unins000.msg
2021-01-23 17:27:32.572   Deleting uninstall key left over from previous administrative 32-bit install.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.572   Creating new uninstall key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{0F7D8C46-52F0-4905-99FC-BDA1BAF9CEA8}_is1
2021-01-23 17:27:32.573   Writing uninstall key values.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.574   Detected previous non administrative install? No
2021-01-23 17:27:32.574   Detected previous administrative 64-bit install? No
2021-01-23 17:27:32.580   Installation process succeeded.
2021-01-23 17:27:32.589   -- Run entry --
2021-01-23 17:27:32.589   Run as: Current user
2021-01-23 17:27:32.589   Type: Exec
2021-01-23 17:27:32.589   Filename: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows\ZFSInstaller.exe
2021-01-23 17:27:32.589   Parameters: install .\ZFSin.inf
2021-01-23 17:27:36.216   Process exit code: 0
2021-01-23 17:27:40.216   Need to restart Windows? No
2021-01-23 17:27:41.878   Deinitializing Setup.
2021-01-23 17:27:41.893   Log closed.

2021-01-23 18_10_14-Window

lundman commented 3 years ago

Yeah Unable to open \\.\ZFS: No such file or directory. means the .sys (kernel) part isn't loaded.

Could be there is some interaction between antivirus software trying to scan items on zfs which goes wrong. That has not been tested by me at least, so it wouldn't be that surprising if I'm not handling some request correctly.

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

Do you know, why it's missing ServiceA or fails to StartServiceA and giving error 577? Do you think, that has also to do with Anti Virus Software?

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

Maybe the Driver isn't signed correctly?

See also VirusTotal "Tab Details Signature Info Signature Verification A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider."

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

From within Ubuntu 18.04

gerhard@ubuntu:~$ sudo zpool import
   pool: zfspool
     id: 1855499895493095054
  state: UNAVAIL
 status: The pool was last accessed by another system.
 action: The pool cannot be imported due to damaged devices or data.

        zfspool                            UNAVAIL  unsupported feature(s)
          usb-SAMSUNG_HD400LD-0:0-part2    ONLINE
          ata-ST31500341AS_9VS0BAGK-part3  ONLINE

   pool: rpool
     id: 997847599946661349
  state: ONLINE
 status: Some supported features are not enabled on the pool.
 action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier, though
        some features will not be available without an explicit 'zpool upgrade'.

        rpool       ONLINE                                                                                                                                           
          sda7      ONLINE                                                                                                                                           
gerhard@ubuntu:~$ sudo zpool import zfspool                                                                                                                          
cannot import 'zfspool': pool was previously in use from another system.                                                                                             
Last accessed by ubuntu-SSD1 (hostid=7f0101) at Sun Jan 24 13:44:22 2021                                                                                             
The pool can be imported, use 'zpool import -f' to import the pool.                                                                                                  
gerhard@ubuntu:~$ sudo zpool import zfspool -f                                                                                                                       
This pool uses the following feature(s) not supported by this system:                                                                                                
        org.zfsonlinux:project_quota (space/object accounting based on project ID.)                                                                                  
        com.delphix:spacemap_v2 (Space maps representing large segments are more efficient.)                                                                         
All unsupported features are only required for writing to the pool.                                                                                                  
The pool can be imported using '-o readonly=on'.                                                                                                                     
cannot import 'zfspool': unsupported version or feature
$ dpkg -l spl | grep ^ii
ii  spl            0.7.5-1ubuntu2.2 amd64        Solaris Porting Layer user-space utilities for Linux
$ dpkg -l *zfs* | grep ^ii
ii  libzfs2linux              0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10      amd64        OpenZFS filesystem library for Linux
ii  zfs-initramfs             0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10      all          OpenZFS root filesystem capabilities for Linux - initramfs
ii  zfs-zed                   0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10      amd64        OpenZFS Event Daemon
ii  zfsnap                    1.11.1-5.1              all          Automatic snapshot creation and removal for ZFS
ii  zfsutils-linux            0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10      amd64        command-line tools to manage OpenZFS filesystems
$ dpkg -l *zpool* | grep ^ii
ii  libzpool2linux 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10 amd64        OpenZFS pool library for Linux

Hm, it seems, that the zfs packages are outdated from ubuntu 16.10 instead of 18.04

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Release:        18.04
Codename:       bionic
$ apt-show-versions spl libzfs2linux zfs-initramfs zfs-zed zfsnap zfsutils-linux libzpool2linux 
libzfs2linux:amd64/bionic-updates 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10 uptodate
libzfs2linux:i386 not installed
libzpool2linux:amd64/bionic-updates 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10 uptodate
libzpool2linux:i386 not installed
spl:all not installed
spl:amd64/bionic-updates 0.7.5-1ubuntu2.2 uptodate
spl:i386 not installed
zfs-initramfs:all/bionic-updates 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10 uptodate
zfs-initramfs:amd64 not installed
zfs-zed:amd64/bionic-updates 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10 uptodate
zfs-zed:i386 not installed
zfsnap:all/bionic 1.11.1-5.1 uptodate
zfsutils-linux:amd64/bionic-updates 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10 uptodate
zfsutils-linux:i386 not installed
$ apt policy spl libzfs2linux zfs-initramfs zfs-zed zfsnap zfsutils-linux libzpool2linux               
  Installiert:           0.7.5-1ubuntu2.2
  Installationskandidat: 0.7.5-1ubuntu2.2
 *** 0.7.5-1ubuntu2.2 500
        500 bionic-updates/universe amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     0.7.5-1ubuntu2 500
        500 bionic/universe amd64 Packages
  Installiert:           0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10
  Installationskandidat: 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10
 *** 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10 500
        500 bionic-updates/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     0.7.5-1ubuntu15 500
        500 bionic/main amd64 Packages
        500 bionic/main amd64 Packages
  Installiert:           0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10
  Installationskandidat: 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10
 *** 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10 500
        500 bionic-updates/universe amd64 Packages
        500 bionic-updates/universe i386 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     0.7.5-1ubuntu15 500
        500 bionic/universe amd64 Packages
        500 bionic/universe i386 Packages
  Installiert:           0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10
  Installationskandidat: 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10
 *** 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10 500
        500 bionic-updates/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     0.7.5-1ubuntu15 500
        500 bionic/main amd64 Packages
        500 bionic/main amd64 Packages
  Installiert:           1.11.1-5.1
  Installationskandidat: 1.11.1-5.1
 *** 1.11.1-5.1 500
        500 bionic/universe amd64 Packages
        500 bionic/universe i386 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
  Installiert:           0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10
  Installationskandidat: 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10
 *** 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10 500
        500 bionic-updates/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     0.7.5-1ubuntu15 500
        500 bionic/main amd64 Packages
        500 bionic/main amd64 Packages
  Installiert:           0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10
  Installationskandidat: 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10
 *** 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.10 500
        500 bionic-updates/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     0.7.5-1ubuntu15 500
        500 bionic/main amd64 Packages
        500 bionic/main amd64 Packages

Ah no, the packages are from 18.04 bionic.

I upgraded the pool from within ubuntu 20.04.

So maybe that's the culprit?

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

on ubuntu 20.04

gerhard@ubuntu-SSD1:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
Release:    20.04
Codename:   focal
gerhard@ubuntu-SSD1:~$ uname -a
Linux ubuntu-SSD1 5.4.0-64-generic #72-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 15 10:27:54 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
gerhard@ubuntu-SSD1:~$ zpool version
gerhard@ubuntu-SSD1:~$ zpool status -v
  pool: zfspool
 state: ONLINE
  scan: scrub repaired 0B in 0 days 02:25:24 with 0 errors on Sat Jan 23 03:00:20 2021

    NAME                               STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
    zfspool                            ONLINE       0     0     0
      usb-SAMSUNG_HD400LD-0:0-part2    ONLINE       0     0     0
      ata-ST31500341AS_9VS0BAGK-part3  ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors
gerhard@ubuntu-SSD1:~$ sudo zpool history | head
History for 'zfspool':
2010-09-04.15:16:24 zpool create zfspool /dev/sde2 /dev/sdb3
2010-09-04.15:17:06 zpool destroy zfspool
2010-09-05.01:37:55 zfs set dedup=on zfspool
2010-09-05.01:38:03 zfs set compress=on zfspool
2010-09-08.00:13:08 zfs create zfspool/Data
2010-09-08.00:14:54 zfs set mountpoint=/mnt/custom/zfspool zfspool/Data
2010-09-08.22:40:58 zfs set compress=off zfspool
2010-09-08.22:41:49 zfs set dedup=off zfspool
2010-09-08.22:43:57 zfs set compress=on zfspool
gerhard@ubuntu-SSD1:~$ sudo zpool history | grep upgrade
2011-01-21.22:51:42 zpool upgrade zfspool
2013-05-19.02:35:56 zpool upgrade zfspool
2019-10-31.01:08:41 zpool upgrade zfspool
gerhard@ubuntu-SSD1:~$ sudo zfs get version
zfspool       version   4        -
zfspool/Data  version   4        -
gerhard@ubuntu-SSD1:~$ zpool upgrade -v
This system supports ZFS pool feature flags.

The following features are supported:

async_destroy                         (read-only compatible)
     Destroy filesystems asynchronously.
empty_bpobj                           (read-only compatible)
     Snapshots use less space.
     LZ4 compression algorithm support.
     Crash dumps to multiple vdev pools.
spacemap_histogram                    (read-only compatible)
     Spacemaps maintain space histograms.
enabled_txg                           (read-only compatible)
     Record txg at which a feature is enabled
     Retain hole birth txg for more precise zfs send
     Enhanced dataset functionality, used by other features.
     Blocks which compress very well use even less space.
bookmarks                             (read-only compatible)
     "zfs bookmark" command
filesystem_limits                     (read-only compatible)
     Filesystem and snapshot limits.
     Support for blocks larger than 128KB.
     Variable on-disk size of dnodes.
     SHA-512/256 hash algorithm.
     Skein hash algorithm.
     Edon-R hash algorithm.
userobj_accounting                    (read-only compatible)
     User/Group object accounting.
     Support for dataset level encryption
project_quota                         (read-only compatible)
     space/object accounting based on project ID.
     Top-level vdevs can be removed, reducing logical pool size.
obsolete_counts                       (read-only compatible)
     Reduce memory used by removed devices when their blocks are freed or remapped.
zpool_checkpoint                      (read-only compatible)
     Pool state can be checkpointed, allowing rewind later.
spacemap_v2                           (read-only compatible)
     Space maps representing large segments are more efficient.
allocation_classes                    (read-only compatible)
     Support for separate allocation classes.
resilver_defer                        (read-only compatible)
     Support for deferring new resilvers when one is already running.
     Support for larger bookmarks

The following legacy versions are also supported:

---  --------------------------------------------------------
 1   Initial ZFS version
 2   Ditto blocks (replicated metadata)
 3   Hot spares and double parity RAID-Z
 4   zpool history
 5   Compression using the gzip algorithm
 6   bootfs pool property
 7   Separate intent log devices
 8   Delegated administration
 9   refquota and refreservation properties
 10  Cache devices
 11  Improved scrub performance
 12  Snapshot properties
 13  snapused property
 14  passthrough-x aclinherit
 15  user/group space accounting
 16  stmf property support
 17  Triple-parity RAID-Z
 18  Snapshot user holds
 19  Log device removal
 20  Compression using zle (zero-length encoding)
 21  Deduplication
 22  Received properties
 23  Slim ZIL
 24  System attributes
 25  Improved scrub stats
 26  Improved snapshot deletion performance
 27  Improved snapshot creation performance
 28  Multiple vdev replacements

For more information on a particular version, including supported releases,
see the ZFS Administration Guide.
ggaussling commented 3 years ago

Hm, 'm now disabled all Antivirus or relevant programs, at least I think so. But if I remove, reboot, reinstall the nightly, I don't get it no longer to work, and under Volume/Storage in device manager only Btrfs shows up. zfs disappeared. The same while trying to reinstall it in save boot, which doesn't starts Anti Virus programs at all.

2021-01-25 09_22_56-Downloads

Maybe I'm missing something?

On one installation, few days ago, there appeared a message box, I don't remember exactly, but i think about allowing a certificate to install drivers. But that didn't appear on reinstallation (removal, reboot, installation.).

Bezeichner              {current}
device                  partition=C:
path                    \Windows\system32\winload.exe
description             Windows 10 
locale                  de-DE
recoverysequence        {78fbda3d-32af-11eb-9ce8-800800008488}
recoveryenabled         Yes
testsigning             Yes
osdevice                partition=C:
systemroot              \Windows
resumeobject            {bc08d901-32b4-11eb-ac1e-806e6f6e6963}
bootmenupolicy          Standard
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-ChildItem $PSHOME\*.* | ForEach-object {Get-AuthenticodeSignature $_} | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "Valid"}

    Verzeichnis: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0

SignerCertificate                         Status                                 Path
-----------------                         ------                                 ----
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  Certificate.format.ps1xml
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  Diagnostics.Format.ps1xml
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  DotNetTypes.format.ps1xml
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  Event.Format.ps1xml
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  FileSystem.format.ps1xml
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  getevent.types.ps1xml
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  Help.format.ps1xml
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  HelpV3.format.ps1xml
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  powershell.exe
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  powershell.exe.config
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  PowerShellCore.format.ps1xml
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  PowerShellTrace.format.ps1xml
FF82BC38E1DA5E596DF374C53E3617F7EDA36B06  Valid                                  powershell_ise.exe
FF82BC38E1DA5E596DF374C53E3617F7EDA36B06  Valid                                  powershell_ise.exe.config
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  PSEvents.dll
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  pspluginwkr.dll
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  pwrshmsg.dll
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  pwrshsip.dll
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  Registry.format.ps1xml
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  types.ps1xml
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  typesv3.ps1xml
A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840  Valid                                  WSMan.Format.ps1xml

I'm not sure, if one can get the necessary info that way, though.

PS C:\Windows\system32> cd "C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows"
PS C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows> Get-ChildItem .\*.* | ForEach-object {Get-AuthenticodeSignature $_} | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "Valid"}
PS C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows>
ggaussling commented 3 years ago
PS C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows> Get-ChildItem .\*.* | ForEach-object {Get-AuthenticodeSignature $_}             

    Verzeichnis: C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows

SignerCertificate                         Status                                 Path
-----------------                         ------                                 ----
3EB272230756BB1BD7268EB874610C6F95ED1846  UnknownError                           kstat.exe
                                          UnknownError                           unins000.dat
3EB272230756BB1BD7268EB874610C6F95ED1846  UnknownError                           unins000.exe
                                          UnknownError                           unins000.msg
3EB272230756BB1BD7268EB874610C6F95ED1846  UnknownError                           zdb.exe
3EB272230756BB1BD7268EB874610C6F95ED1846  UnknownError                           zfs.exe
3EB272230756BB1BD7268EB874610C6F95ED1846  UnknownError                 
                                          UnknownError                           ZFSin.cer
                                          UnknownError                           ZFSin.inf
3EB272230756BB1BD7268EB874610C6F95ED1846  UnknownError                           ZFSin.sys
3EB272230756BB1BD7268EB874610C6F95ED1846  UnknownError                           zfsinstaller.exe
3EB272230756BB1BD7268EB874610C6F95ED1846  UnknownError                           zpool.exe
3EB272230756BB1BD7268EB874610C6F95ED1846  UnknownError                           zstreamdump.exe
lundman commented 3 years ago

Talking about right? From

The ones automatically produced by CI are not signed.

You might disappointing find you may need to wait for the v2.0 port to get a little more stable before I have time to look at this specific problem, since that is where future work will go. Unless you'd like to compile it yourself and figure out why it doesn't see the pool

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

No, not the debug ones. Should I try them, to debug the situation?

lundman commented 3 years ago

Just run debug for now - release wont give you that much more speed, but won't give any clues if you crash

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

Okay, it isn't that important. We may debug it later with the v2.0 port (if necessary).

Do you think in my case there is still something blocking the installation? Or maybe a service is not available?

lundman commented 3 years ago

From your image it said 20210114 - which I guess you got from appveyor. They won't work... Run the latest nightly that I produced, ie, that will give you the best chance.

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

It ist the nightly 10 or 11 days old 2021-01-23 17:27:21.563 Original Setup EXE: C:\Users\Gerhard\Downloads\OpenZFSOnWindows-release (nightly 20210114).exe I named it according to the expected buildday 20210114

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

Thank you! I'll try that.

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

I was able to install that debug version, but I had several BSODs on `zpool import -f``. Now it seems stable, but can't detect pool zfspool.

2021-01-25 11_57_05-Auswählen C__Program Files_OpenZFS On Windows_ZFSInstaller exe

2021-01-25 12_09_34-BlueScreenView  -  C__Windows_Minidump

2021-01-25 12_11_59-Geräte-Manager

2021-01-25 12_12_48-Treiberdateidetails

2021-01-25 12_16_00-Eigenschaften von ZFSin controller

Das Gerät ROOT\VOLUME\0000 wurde gelöscht.
Klassen-GUID: {71a27cdd-812a-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
Das Gerät ROOT\VOLUME\0000 wurde konfiguriert.

Treibername: oem201.inf
Klassen-GUID: {71a27cdd-812a-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
Treiberdatum: 08/25/2020
Treiberanbieter: Jorgen Lundman
Treiberabschnitt: ZFSin_Install
Treiberrang: 0xFF0000
Passende Geräte-ID: Root\ZFSin
Treiber mit niedrigerem Rang: oem200.inf:Root\ZFSin:00FF0000
Gerät wurde aktualisiert: true
Übergeordnetes Gerät: HTREE\ROOT\0
Das Gerät ROOT\VOLUME\0000 wurde gestartet.

Treibername: oem201.inf
Klassen-GUID: {71a27cdd-812a-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
Dienst: ZFSin
Untere Filter: 
Obere Filter: 
Das Gerät "ROOT\VOLUME\0000" erfordert weitere Installationen.
Das Gerät ROOT\VOLUME\0000 wurde konfiguriert.

Treibername: oem201.inf
Klassen-GUID: {71a27cdd-812a-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
Treiberdatum: 08/25/2020
Treiberanbieter: Jorgen Lundman
Treiberabschnitt: ZFSin_Install
Treiberrang: 0xFF0000
Passende Geräte-ID: Root\ZFSin
Treiber mit niedrigerem Rang: oem200.inf:Root\ZFSin:00FF0000
Gerät wurde aktualisiert: true
Übergeordnetes Gerät: HTREE\ROOT\0
Das Gerät ROOT\VOLUME\0000 wurde gestartet.

Treibername: oem201.inf
Klassen-GUID: {71a27cdd-812a-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
Dienst: ZFSin
Untere Filter: 
Obere Filter: 
ggaussling commented 3 years ago

The cmd box shows SERVICE_NAME: ZFSin, but I cannot find such service under services. 2021-01-25 12_23_28-Dienste

zpool_open_func_win: enter
no pools available to import
PS C:\Windows\system32> zpool -V
PS C:\Windows\system32>
lundman commented 3 years ago

It's loaded, but if it shows nothing on "zpool import" then it is missing some code to handle it

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

After a BSOD on zpool <status, import, ...> I noticed, that I over installed on the older zfsin and both showed up in app manager. I got an BSOD, while trying to remove the older one. I had to remove the new debug one first to avoid the BSOD.

Okay, I then also tried to reinstall it in saveboot, but I got also on uninstall BSOD in saveboot, and I noticed, that on (6) saveboot with shell prompt, I was able to uninstall it on console by zfsinstall uninstall .\ZFSin.inf in the "OpenZFS on Windows" Program folder. After reinstallation in saveboot I got from time to time on bootup, login or short after login, sometimes on shutdown, reboot a BSOD.

2021-01-25 13_03_46-BlueScreenView  -  C__Windows_Minidump

I'm not sure if the BSODs mainly related to AV software, though.

So I uninstalled it on [F8]>(6) Enable safe mode with Command Prompt like mentioned above, and will try it on v2, when maybe code is applied to detect the zfspool.

lundman commented 3 years ago

All you need to do is delete ZFSin.sys from the system32/drivers directory, the "uninstall" doesnt do much more than that.

ggaussling commented 3 years ago

I think, some software on my system was interfering with ZFSin. Due to this I got the BSOD on shutdown after removing ZFSin.sys with the installer.

I guess F8 (6) was the only way to boot into a system without those interfering processes. Or a exhausting trial and error testing ...

lundman commented 3 years ago

OK, so the 2.0 installers are not codesigned correctly, needs TestMode until I can figure out how I'm signing them wrong.