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Titles endpoint #29

Closed rgaudin closed 2 years ago

rgaudin commented 2 years ago

Required for #28

anshulxyz commented 2 years ago


List titles on /titles (includes pagination handling)

Q. What are the properties you want to see in the list? Other than the ident.

rgaudin commented 2 years ago

Thanks for asking ; it's indeed an important question. Here's how I see the /titles REST endpoint:

Note: I know this ticket is about the listings only but I'll document it all here.

GET /titles:

  "meta": {
    "count": 2,
    "limit": 10,
    "skip": 0
  "items": [
    {"ident": "wikipedia_fr_all_maxi"},
    {"ident": "wikipedia_fr_all_nopic"}

Rule of thumb is that all list endpoints should use the same wrapping schema with the meta info for pagination. It means that it should also accept skip and limit parameters to control the result list. This is similar to what the zimfarm API does.

Now, this endpoint is gonna be the most used and must be versatile so it serves most if not all of the UI's needs (as well as other needs). It thus needs to allow filtering and payload-control using GET parameters.



Complete complex request: GET /titles?lang=fra&metadata-scraper=*1.11&tag=!wikipedia&with_tags&with_languages&with_medata=all

    "ident": "wikihow_fr_all_maxi",
    "languages": [
    "metadata": {
      "Creator": "Wikipedia",
      "Description": "offline version of Wikipedia in Ganda",
      "Flavour": "maxi",
      "Language": "fra",
      "Name": "wikipedia_fr_all_maxi",
      "Publisher": "Kiwix",
      "Tags": "wikihow;_category:wikipedia",
      "Title": "Wikipedia",
      "Scraper": "wikihow2zim 1.11",
      "Illustration_48x48": "xxx"
    "tags": [

GET /titles/{ident}

Returns the complete response for the ident

  "ident": "wikihow_fr_all_maxi",
  "languages": [
  "metadata": {
    "Creator": "Wikipedia",
    "Description": "offline version of Wikipedia in Ganda",
    "Flavour": "maxi",
    "Language": "fra",
    "Name": "wikipedia_fr_all_maxi",
    "Publisher": "Kiwix",
    "Tags": "wikihow;_category:wikipedia",
    "Title": "Wikipedia",
    "Scraper": "wikihow2zim 1.11",
    "Illustration_48x48": "xxx"
  "tags": [

POST /titles

Create a title using a payload similar to the response above. Fails if ident already exists.

DELETE /titles/{ident}

PUT /titles/{ident}

replaces the title (including tags and metadata) with the supplied payload (must not include ident).

GET /titles/{ident}/tags

  "meta": {
    "count": 2,
    "limit": 10,
    "skip": 0
  "items": [

POST /titles/{ident}/tags

Add Tag to Title using JSON payload

  "name": "Scraper",
  "value": "mwoffliner 1.2"

PUT /titles/{ident}/tags

replace list of tags with payload

["wikipedia", "_category:wikipedia"]

DELETE /titles/{ident}/tags/{tag}

GET /titles/{ident}/metadata

      "Creator": "Wikipedia",
      "Description": "offline version of Wikipedia in Ganda",
      "Flavour": "maxi",
      "Language": "fra",
      "Name": "wikipedia_fr_all_maxi",
      "Publisher": "Kiwix",
      "Tags": "wikihow;_category:wikipedia",
      "Title": "Wikipedia",
      "Scraper": "wikihow2zim 1.11",
      "Illustration_48x48": "xxx"


GET /titles/{ident}/metadata/{name}

Single metadata retrieval

{"value": "mwoffliner 1.0"}

PUT /titles/{ident}/metadata/{name}

Updates the metadata value from JSON payload

{"value": "my scraper"}

DELETE /titles/{ident}/metadata/{name}

delete single metadata

GET /titles/{ident}/languages

  "meta": {
    "count": 2,
    "limit": 10,
    "skip": 0
  "items": ["fra", "eng"]

POST /titles/{ident}/languages

Add a language to Title using

{"value": "ara"}

GET /titles/{ident}/languages/{code}

  "code": "fra",
  "english": "French",
  "native": "Français"

DELETE /titles/{ident}/languages/{code}

remove language from Title

GET /languages

⚠️ this is outside of /titles but will be necessary for UI (I think).

returns list of all languages.

  "meta": {
    "count": 2,
    "limit": 10,
    "skip": 0
  "items": [
    {"code": "fra"},
    {"code": "eng"},

GET /languages/{code}

Single language description

  "code": "fra",
  "english": "French",
  "native": "Français"