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Comparing .slob (aard2) and .zim (kiwix) Wiktionaries #32

Closed Popolechien closed 4 months ago

Popolechien commented 4 months ago

I'm currently looking at the French wiktionary on both Kiwix and Aard2.

Comparing both versions of the same wiktionaries, I see that display is the same. Aard2 Kiwix

Pretty identical if you ask me.

Going further down, it looks like the app even has embedded reader for sounds: Aard2 Kiwix
Search results appear different, but nothing major as far as I can tell Aard2 Kiwix

The zim file is 4.6GB while the .slob is only 829MB. The slob file does not host images (they just disappear if one is fully offline), but even then the nopic zim only goes down to 4.1GB. I also understand that slob is not fully index, but even then that does not explain the huge difference in size.

So my questions at this stage are:

mgautierfr commented 4 months ago

With this only, we have 3GB. Removing them would reduce the zim size from 4,1GB to 1,04GB We still have some minor improvement (No title saved, size of "dirent structure" (9bytes per entry), only one way to compress (so 1 byte per cluster), ...) and we have something pretty equivalent.