openzim / youtube

Create a ZIM file from a Youtube channel/username/playlist
GNU General Public License v3.0
46 stars 26 forks source link

Usage() help has not been updated #62

Closed kelson42 closed 4 years ago

kelson42 commented 4 years ago

It looks like this:

$ youtube2zim --help
youtube to zim.
Create a ZIM snapshot by scraping your prefered Youtube channel or playlist
Url format for playlist :
Url format for user : 

  youtube2zim <url> <lang> <publisher> [--lowquality] [--zimpath=<zimpath>] [--nozim] [--transcode2webm]

    -h --help  
    --lowquality  download in mp4 and re-encode aggressively in webm
    --zimpath=<zimpath>   Final path of the zim file
    --nozim  doesn't make zim file, output will be in build/[donwloaded name]/ in html (otherwise will produice a zim file)
    --transcode2webm    Download or transcode videos to webm
$ youtube2zim 
  youtube2zim <url> <lang> <publisher> [--lowquality] [--zimpath=<zimpath>] [--nozim] [--transcode2webm]

Nothing about customization of "banner image", "profile image", etc... things which are possible withing the Zimfarm

rgaudin commented 4 years ago

hint: it it's not the help, there are good chances it's not in the software. Your help looks like a very old version (1.0).

Here's what the 2.1.0 version looks like.

$ python youtube2zim --help
usage: youtube2zim [-h] --type {channel,playlist,user} --id YOUTUBE_ID
                   --api-key API_KEY --name NAME [--format {mp4,webm}]
                   [--low-quality] [--all-subtitles]
                   [--pagination NB_VIDEOS_PER_PAGE] [--autoplay]
                   [--output OUTPUT_DIR] [--no-zim] [--zim-file FNAME]
                   [--language LANGUAGE] [--locale LOCALE_NAME]
                   [--title TITLE] [--description DESCRIPTION]
                   [--creator CREATOR] [--publisher PUBLISHER] [--tags TAGS]
                   [--profile PROFILE_IMAGE] [--banner BANNER_IMAGE]
                   [--main-color MAIN_COLOR]
                   [--secondary-color SECONDARY_COLOR] [--debug] [--keep]
                   [--skip-download] [--concurrency MAX_CONCURRENCY]
                   [--only_test_branding] [--version]

Scraper to create a ZIM file from a Youtube Channel or Playlists

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --type {channel,playlist,user}
                        Type of collection
  --id YOUTUBE_ID       Youtube ID of the collection
  --api-key API_KEY     Youtube API Token
  --name NAME           ZIM name. Used as identifier and filename (date will
                        be appended)
  --format {mp4,webm}   Format to download/transcode video to. webm is smaller
  --low-quality         Re-encode video using stronger compression
  --all-subtitles       Include auto-generated subtitles
  --pagination NB_VIDEOS_PER_PAGE
                        Number of videos per page
  --autoplay            Enable autoplay on video articles (home never have
                        autoplay). Behavior differs on platforms/browsers.
  --output OUTPUT_DIR   Output folder for ZIM file or build folder
  --no-zim              Don't produce a ZIM file, create HTML folder only.
  --zim-file FNAME      ZIM file name (based on --name if not provided)
  --language LANGUAGE   ISO-639-3 (3 chars) language code of content
  --locale LOCALE_NAME  Locale name to use for translations (if avail) and
                        time representations. Defaults to --language or
  --title TITLE         Custom title for your project and ZIM. Default to
                        Channel name (of first video if playlists)
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Custom description for your project and ZIM. Default
                        to Channel name (of first video if playlists)
  --creator CREATOR     Name of content creator. Defaults to Channel name or
                        “Youtue Channels”
  --publisher PUBLISHER
                        Custom publisher name (ZIM metadata)
  --tags TAGS           List of comma-separated Tags for the ZIM file.
                        _videos:yes added automatically
  --profile PROFILE_IMAGE
                        Custom profile image. Squared. Will be resized to
  --banner BANNER_IMAGE
                        Custom banner image. Will be resized to 1060x175px
  --main-color MAIN_COLOR
                        Custom color. Hex/HTML syntax (#DEDEDE). Default to
                        main color of profile image.
  --secondary-color SECONDARY_COLOR
                        Custom secondary color. Hex/HTML syntax (#DEDEDE).
                        Default to secondary color of profile image.
  --debug               Enable verbose output
  --keep                Don't erase build folder on start (for debug/devel)
  --skip-download       Skip the download step (videos, thumbnails, subtitles)
  --concurrency MAX_CONCURRENCY
                        Number of concurrent threads to use
  --only_test_branding  Just generate a fake home.html to check branding
                        (images and colors)
  --version             Display scraper version and exit