openzim / zim-requests

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New request: PsychonautWiki #634

Open sihma opened 1 year ago

sihma commented 1 year ago
arrall commented 1 month ago

Bump. Looking for this as well.

arrall commented 1 month ago

@kelson42 Sorry about the duplicate. I wasn't sure if this just got buried and forgotten about. Is there a plan to add this one at some point? What is the general ETA for getting a request filled?

Popolechien commented 1 month ago

@arrall wikis are complicated at the moment but we have the tooling to at least try. If the scraping fails, there usually are two reasons:

Bottom line: wikis we can try pretty quickly, but if it don't work then there's no clear ETA. But we'll keep the issue open as long as it is not resolved.

kelson42 commented 1 month ago

@Popolechien Please create recipe and let me know if problems

Popolechien commented 1 month ago

@kelson42 I see they have a sign requesting people use their API rather than directly crawl the site. Is this something MWoffliner's API path will handle?

Popolechien commented 1 month ago

@kelson42 Created but it failed.

RavanJAltaie commented 1 month ago

The recipe is failing with this error:

                                            "STATUS_CODES": {
                                                "100": "Continue",
                                                "101": "Switching Protocols",
                                                "102": "Processing",
                                                "103": "Early Hints",
                                                "200": "OK",
                                                "201": "Created",
                                                "202": "Accepted",
                                                "203": "Non-Authoritative Information",
                                                "204": "No Content",
                                                "205": "Reset Content",
                                                "206": "Partial Content",
                                                "207": "Multi-Status",
                                                "208": "Already Reported",
                                                "226": "IM Used",
                                                "300": "Multiple Choices",
                                                "301": "Moved Permanently",
                                                "302": "Found",
                                                "303": "See Other",
                                                "304": "Not Modified",
                                                "305": "Use Proxy",
                                                "307": "Temporary Redirect",
                                                "308": "Permanent Redirect",
                                                "400": "Bad Request",
                                                "401": "Unauthorized",
                                                "402": "Payment Required",
                                                "403": "Forbidden",
                                                "404": "Not Found",
                                                "405": "Method Not Allowed",
                                                "406": "Not Acceptable",
                                                "407": "Proxy Authentication Required",
                                                "408": "Request Timeout",
                                                "409": "Conflict",
                                                "410": "Gone",
                                                "411": "Length Required",
                                                "412": "Precondition Failed",
                                                "413": "Payload Too Large",
                                                "414": "URI Too Long",
                                                "415": "Unsupported Media Type",
                                                "416": "Range Not Satisfiable",
                                                "417": "Expectation Failed",
                                                "418": "I'm a Teapot",
                                                "421": "Misdirected Request",
                                                "422": "Unprocessable Entity",
                                                "423": "Locked",
                                                "424": "Failed Dependency",
                                                "425": "Too Early",
                                                "426": "Upgrade Required",
                                                "428": "Precondition Required",
                                                "429": "Too Many Requests",
                                                "431": "Request Header Fields Too Large",
                                                "451": "Unavailable For Legal Reasons",
                                                "500": "Internal Server Error",
                                                "501": "Not Implemented",
                                                "502": "Bad Gateway",
                                                "503": "Service Unavailable",
                                                "504": "Gateway Timeout",
                                                "505": "HTTP Version Not Supported",
                                                "506": "Variant Also Negotiates",
                                                "507": "Insufficient Storage",
                                                "508": "Loop Detected",
                                                "509": "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded",
                                                "510": "Not Extended",
                                                "511": "Network Authentication Required"
                                            "maxHeaderSize": 16384,
                                            "globalAgent": {
                                                "_events": {},
                                                "_eventsCount": 2,
                                                "defaultPort": 80,
                                                "protocol": "http:",
                                                "options": {
                                                    "noDelay": true,
                                                    "path": null
                                                "requests": {},
                                                "sockets": {},
                                                "freeSockets": {},
                                                "keepAliveMsecs": 1000,
                                                "keepAlive": false,
                                                "maxSockets": null,
                                                "maxFreeSockets": 256,
                                                "scheduling": "lifo",
Popolechien commented 1 month ago

Please create recipe and let me know if problems

@kelson42 ping