openzipkin-attic / apache-release-verification

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check for closed staging repository #14

Open codefromthecrypt opened 5 years ago

codefromthecrypt commented 5 years ago

Twice I forgot to click close on the "convenience binary" staging repository which led to it being purged between vote and actual vote close. Recreating it is a pain. I wonder if we can script a check that the closed repo exists (even better have a maven plugin to close it! similar to our centralsync)

ex our scripts upload to here currently you have to manually close the repo by logging on here

abesto commented 5 years ago

From what I understand, describes an existing plugin (conveniently provided by the same Sonatype that develops Nexus) that can do this. The important part seems to be the <stagingProfileId> property, which in our case seems to be 421febbf6b2612 (ref.;421febbf6b2612)

Does this pass your sanity filters? This is really just based on clicking around and searching (but it makes sense to me)

abesto commented 5 years ago

@adriancole Any thoughts on this?

Reason I'd first try to go the Maven way is that AFAICT to check from this verification tool, it'd need to authenticate to Nexus as a committer and bring in a Nexus client. It'd be nice to instead "just" ensure this situation never happens in the first place.

FWIW, I believe in defense in depth, so maybe even so, this check would make sense? Especially if even after adding that plugin, we still run into this in some cases.

shakuzen commented 5 years ago

I think the configuration of plugins to deploy to Nexus and such are largely controlled by the ASF parent POM. I wonder if this is a common problem for projects and could be handled by updating the configuration in the parent POM? Or if we could just modify our command a bit and the necessary plugin configuration is already there?