openzipkin-attic / docker-zipkin

Docker images for OpenZipkin
Apache License 2.0
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Switches to launch with main class vs PropertiesLauncher when possible #229

Closed codefromthecrypt closed 5 years ago

codefromthecrypt commented 5 years ago

After researching before and after startup times with Spring Boot 2.1 vs 2.2, the largest win for startup time, regardless of version, is to not use PropertiesLauncher.

Here is basic startup time before and after with the 2.17.2 version of Zipkin:

Before (using PropertiesLauncher)

Started ZipkinServer in 3.641 seconds (JVM running for 5.009)

After (running the main class)

Started ZipkinServer in 3.267 seconds (JVM running for 4.31)

Note: even before this change we extracted Zipkin's jar first, so the entire gains here are only from not using PropertiesLauncher.

codefromthecrypt commented 5 years ago

@anuraaga FYI: probably we'll want to do the same in the other images built, as it is still nicer to start faster even from master tag.