openzipkin-contrib / play-zipkin-tracing

Provides distributed tracing for Play Framework and Akka using Zipkin.
Apache License 2.0
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Support Akka actor tracing #22

Closed takezoe closed 6 years ago

takezoe commented 7 years ago

This pull request makes possible to trace local actor calls from Play. Here are example of traceable actors:


// Message extends TraceMessage and take TraceData
case class HelloActorMessage(message: String)
  (implicit val traceData: ActorTraceData) extends TraceMessage

// Actors extend TraceableActor and inject ZipkinTraceServiceLike
class HelloActor @Inject()(@Named("child-hello-actor") child: ActorRef, 
                           val tracer: ZipkinTraceServiceLike) extends TraceableActor {
  def receive = {
    case m: HelloActorMessage => {
      // Decorate actorRef with TraceableActorRef() 
      TraceableActorRef(child) ! HelloActorMessage("This is a child actor call!")

// It's possible to trace nested actor calls
class ChildHelloActor @Inject()(val tracer: ZipkinTraceServiceLike) extends TraceableActor {
  def receive = {
    case m: HelloActorMessage => {

Result: actor-tracing

For remote actors, a message class must extend RemoteTraceMessage instead of TraceMessage.

case class HelloActorMessage(message: String)
  (implicit val traceData: RemoteActorTraceData) extends RemoteTraceMessage

In this case, the span data is converted to java.util.HashMap[String, String] automatically to serialize.