Open codefromthecrypt opened 4 years ago
@adriancole I thought is was related to java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/karaf/specs/locator/OsgiLocator
issue which appears in Karaf test container logs, but not really (still may be worth fixing,
What I have noticed, for me the System Exit has timed out in the forked process 1
happens randomly, and when it does, I see a number of warnings like:
.pax/exam/data/log/karaf.log:2020-10-25T12:53:02,562 | WARN | FelixStartLevel | AsyncReporter$BoundedAsyncReporter | 29 - io.zipkin.reporter2.zipkin-reporter - 2.15.2 | Timed out waiting for in-flight spans to send
.pax/exam/data/log/karaf.log:2020-10-25T12:53:03,591 | WARN | FelixStartLevel | AsyncReporter$BoundedAsyncReporter | 29 - io.zipkin.reporter2.zipkin-reporter - 2.15.2 | Timed out waiting for in-flight spans to send
.pax/exam/data/log/karaf.log:2020-10-25T12:53:04,608 | WARN | FelixStartLevel | AsyncReporter$BoundedAsyncReporter | 29 - io.zipkin.reporter2.zipkin-reporter - 2.15.2 | Timed out waiting for in-flight spans to send
It seems like on container's shutdown the BoundedAsyncReporter
tries to send the spans on close()
Digging more into this, I clearly observe that Karaf process exists normally once the tests reporter reports:
[INFO] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 10.141 s - in io.zipkin.brave.itests.ITBrave
At this point, only Failsafe / Surefire is running, dumping the following error (itests/target/failsafe-reports/2020-10-25T12-52-55_210-jvmRun1.dumpstream
TestSet has not finished before stream error has appeared >> initializing exit by non-null configuration: EXIT
at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.spi.LegacyMasterProcessChannelDecoder.decode(
at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.CommandReader$
at java.base/
Ok, seems to be it, at least it is gone in the build:
@cschneider @reta either of you know a workaround to what seems to be a Java 11 related hang after pax? the tests actually succeed..