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"Instrumenting a library" is misleading (at least me) #70

Open guettli opened 7 years ago

guettli commented 7 years ago

I think the title "Instrumenting a library" is misleading.

I refer to this page:

I guess the meaning of the title is "Creating a new instrumenting library".

Background: I had the idea of tracing the internals of a library (single process, single thread, not RPC) ... I would call this "Instrumenting a library" :-)

codefromthecrypt commented 7 years ago

Along this note, it does seem we need two different or maybe three sections.

we've had some questions come up which hints that the first point above could help others..


Can someone help with a guideline on best practices for using Zipkin? Tags, naming spans etc., I feel like I am using this product without a manual and groping for things in the dark.

codefromthecrypt commented 7 years ago

here are some notes about the questions asked

on span naming the main concern is that the names are low cardinality (they don't repeat endlessly due to containing variables) ex. that's why the http method is the default name in most zipkin http instrumentation (there's only several of these, and in the UI drop-down no problem) good names are short and are useful grouping on their own. Ex. if I make one called "get /trace/" that would be ok, but "get /trace/1231234" would be bad as the latter would repeat for each id

on tagging, instrumentation usually have default tags already setup, like http.url these are documented here user defined tags/binary annotations serve two purposes: exact match lookup for the search screen and details for the trace view (specifically the span detail screen) so user-defined tags are sometimes things like an application-specific request id. you would add that so that you can search by this possibly the user or the framework.. things like this then, sometimes people add more verbose tags that aren't searchable. ex the parameters of an operation. the current docs mention guidance which is to not load up tags with too much, as it will reduce the usability of the system (<1KiB is good)