openzipkin / zipkin

Zipkin is a distributed tracing system
Apache License 2.0
16.84k stars 3.07k forks source link

404 Not found /app-...-min.js and /app-...-min.css #2153

Closed felodel closed 5 years ago

felodel commented 5 years ago


I deployed zipkin on kubernetes but when i try to access to zipkin, it not found:

https://hostname/zipkin/app-6a05bdd92a449a6ee72a.min.js timestamp 2018-08-01T09:31:28.410+0000
status 404
error Not Found
message Not Found
path /app-6a05bdd92a449a6ee72a.min.js
https://hostname/zipkin/app-6a05bdd92a449a6ee72a.min.css timestamp 2018-08-01T09:31:28.410+0000
status 404
error Not Found
message Not Found
path /app-6a05bdd92a449a6ee72a.min.css

https://hostname/zipkin/zipkin/config.json environment | "" queryLimit | 10 defaultLookback | 3600000 instrumented | ".*" logsUrl | null basepath | "/zipkin" searchEnabled | true dependency |   lowErrorRate | 0.5 highErrorRate | 0.75

my k8s ingress: { "path": "/zipkin", "backend": { "serviceName": "zipkin-service", "servicePort": 9411 } },

In local with docker, It runs correctly.

Thank you for your time.

codefromthecrypt commented 5 years ago

does this help you?

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 5:52 PM, Fede López wrote:


I deployed zipkin on kubernetes but when i try to access to zipkin, it not found:

  • app-6a05bdd92a449a6ee72a.min.css
  • app-6a05bdd92a449a6ee72a.min.js timestamp 2018-08-01T09:31:28.410+0000
status 404
error Not Found
message Not Found
path /app-6a05bdd92a449a6ee72a.min.js timestamp 2018-08-01T09:31:28.410+0000
status 404
error Not Found
message Not Found
path /app-6a05bdd92a449a6ee72a.min.css environment | "" queryLimit | 10 defaultLookback | 3600000 instrumented | ".*" logsUrl | null basepath | "/zipkin" searchEnabled | true dependency | lowErrorRate | 0.5 highErrorRate | 0.75

my k8s ingress: { "path": "/zipkin", "backend": { "serviceName": "zipkin-service", "servicePort": 9411 } },

In local with docker, It runs correctly.

Thank you for your time.

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felodel commented 5 years ago

Hello Adrian,

Thank you for your help.

I have already tried:

       value: "/zipkin/zipkin

I check that the env parameter is set. I check it in /zipkin/env :

ZIPKIN_UI_BASEPATH | "/zipkin/zipkin"

Nevertheless, zipkin don´t work.

I find a workaround to solve it:

Using that docker image: knikitin/zipkin-service

But, that docker image is old (two years ago) and when I try to regiter my application in zipkin with:

spring.zipkin.baseUrl= http://zipkin-service:9411 spring.sleuth.sampler.percentage= 0.2

My application don´t connect with zipkin.

I only want a zipkin in memory storage.

Any solution ?

Thank you for your time. :)

codefromthecrypt commented 5 years ago

@zeagord do you have any hints or kubernetes deployment advice for this?

felodel commented 5 years ago


Do you now how I can generate a new image from where I modify zipkin-ui/js files?

like this commit:

My problem is that there are zipkin-ui and zipkin-server with each poms, so I want a docker image with those changes and las version zipkin.

is It possible? do you have a dockerfile to generate a image?

codefromthecrypt commented 5 years ago

firstly, that is indeed an old change.

Next, this is a relative URL

I do believe there is something wrong with your setup if relative links aren't resolving properly.

zeagord commented 5 years ago

Can you try set the base path to/? I'm using like the below one in the latest zipkin version and found no problems.

  "path": "/",
  "backend": {
  "serviceName": "zipkin-service",
  "servicePort": 9411
felodel commented 5 years ago

Helli @zeagord

I tried that solution:

          "path": "/zipkin",
          "backend": {
            "serviceName": "zipkin-service",
            "servicePort": 9411

But, it doesn´t work.

I only solve with

But my application doesn´t connect with zipkin.

So I want to create a new zipkin-ui docker image with relative url changes, but:

That are my service and deployment on k8s:

apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: zipkin-service spec: ports:


apiVersion: apps/v1 # for versions before 1.9.0 use apps/v1beta2 kind: Deployment metadata: name: zipkin-deployment spec: selector: matchLabels: app: zipkin replicas: 1 # tells deployment to run 2 pods matching the template template: # create pods using pod definition in this template metadata: labels: app: zipkin spec: containers:

felodel commented 5 years ago

any solution ? could you tell me how I can generate my own image zipkin from:

I could change code as and to make a new image.

Or also I have thought that I could modify zipkin-server-shared.yml (base-path param), to set base-path: /zipkin/zipkin and remake a image.

What do you think about that?

Thank you for your time.

zeagord commented 5 years ago

Small tip. Wrap the deployment script with ```. So that it will be readable.

Try the below deployment script. I assume you're using Minkube. If that's true. Enable the ingress by minikube addons enable ingress. If not you have choose a ingress controller.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  namespace: default
  name: zipkin-service
    - port: 9411
    app: zipkin


apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  namespace: default
  name: zipkin
  replicas: 2
      app: zipkin
        app: zipkin
      - name: zipkin
        image: openzipkin/zipkin
        path: "/actuator/health"
        port: 9411
        initialDelaySeconds: 5


apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: zipkin-ingress
  annotations: "true"
    serviceName: zipkin-service
    servicePort: 9411
felodel commented 5 years ago

I have my own ingress:

          "path": "/zipkin",
          "backend": {
            "serviceName": "zipkin-service",
            "servicePort": 9411

and when I request: https://hostname/zipkin to carry on the same error with js and css

This is my ingress:

{ "kind": "Ingress", "apiVersion": "extensions/v1beta1", "metadata": { "name": "gateway-ingress", "namespace": "default", "selfLink": "/apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/default/ingresses/gateway-ingress", "uid": "ee983f7f-544e-11e8-a23a-005056941e4e", "resourceVersion": "10060924", "generation": 111, "creationTimestamp": "2018-05-10T12:37:42Z", "annotations": { "": "true", "": "false", "": "nginx", "": "true", "": "/" } }, "spec": { "backend": { "serviceName": "default-http-backend", "servicePort": 80 }, "tls": [ { "hosts": [ "HOSTNAME" ], "secretName": "tls-secret" } ], "rules": [ { "host": "HOSTNAME", "http": { "paths": [ { "path": "/device", "backend": { "serviceName": "deviceservice-service", "servicePort": 7083 } }, { "path": "/pairing", "backend": { "serviceName": "pairingservice-service", "servicePort": 15248 } }, { "path": "/frontendwebapps", "backend": { "serviceName": "frontendwebapps-service", "servicePort": 7090 } }, { "path": "/zipkin", "backend": { "serviceName": "zipkin-service", "servicePort": 9411 } }, { "path": "/config", "backend": { "serviceName": "fermaxconfigcloud-service", "servicePort": 8888 } }, { "path": "/", "backend": { "serviceName": "oauth2service-service", "servicePort": 8090 } }, { "path": "/admin", "backend": { "serviceName": "fermaxadmincloud-service", "servicePort": 1111 } }, { "path": "/user", "backend": { "serviceName": "userservice-service", "servicePort": 15245 } }, { "path": "/provisioning", "backend": { "serviceName": "provisioningfermaxservice-service", "servicePort": 8889 } }, { "path": "/emma", "backend": { "serviceName": "emmafront-service", "servicePort": 7082 } }, { "path": "/emmaback", "backend": { "serviceName": "emmaback-service", "servicePort": 7081 } }, { "path": "/emu", "backend": { "serviceName": "emufront-service", "servicePort": 7085 } }, { "path": "/twinchangehandler", "backend": { "serviceName": "twinchangehandlerservice-service", "servicePort": 15250 } }, { "path": "/emuback", "backend": { "serviceName": "emuback-service", "servicePort": 7093 } } ] } } ] }, "status": { "loadBalancer": { "ingress": [ {} ] } } }

How can I user zipkin-ingress to request zipkin ?

Thank you for your help @zeagord

zeagord commented 5 years ago

I honestly think, this is not a Zipkin issue since it has nothing to do it. It is more specific on how you design your ingress or routes. It should be a question that might be suit well for stackoverflow or kubernetes.

felodel commented 5 years ago

But the others services work ok, only zipkin doesn´t work. And when css and js is found. So If I change zipkin, zipkin will work.

If I user my appications aren´t registered on zipkin.

so I think, I need zipkin with changes in zipkin-ui or zipkin-server-shared.yml.

anyway, i will open a question on stackoverflow.

Thank you for your help @zeagord

anyway, how can I use zipkin-ingress to use zipkin ?

codefromthecrypt commented 5 years ago

Fede you are referring to a very old commit. Also, there are several others who have k8s ingress working.

Until what you are referring to is verified by another person as a current problem, there's nothing we would change here.

Raja has tried his best to help, and there are others who are working at the moment as well. Sorry that your configuration doesn't work. I'd recommend starting with what raja or others have. If not, and you feel like you must change the UI, then you'd have to overlay with your own assets.

For now, we'll close the issue until another verifies this.. hope you understand.