Did saw this [https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin/issues/1772] ....
But I'm not able to make it run, whatever I have tried, I get either still on localhost, either an exception on armeria bind ( I have stuff running on :8080)...
In short what I have tried (Windows Server 2016, so no Linux Docker containers ) with no avail. Variation on these batch file commands:
SET "SERVER_ADDRESS=xx.xx.xx.xx"
SET "ZIPKIN_HOST=xx.xx.xx.xx"
java -jar zipkin-server-2.23.2-exec.jar --armeria.ports[0].port=9411 --armeria.ports[0].protocols[0]=http
It should be simple to run Zipkin on another ip, but I'm fighting. Could you help me, maybe I'm missing something absolutely obvious... But is a pretty common scenario, and is not that well documented.
Did saw this [https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin/issues/1772] .... But I'm not able to make it run, whatever I have tried, I get either still on localhost, either an exception on armeria bind ( I have stuff running on :8080)...
In short what I have tried (Windows Server 2016, so no Linux Docker containers ) with no avail. Variation on these batch file commands: SET "SERVER_ADDRESS=xx.xx.xx.xx" SET "ZIPKIN_HOST=xx.xx.xx.xx" java -jar zipkin-server-2.23.2-exec.jar --armeria.ports[0].port=9411 --armeria.ports[0].protocols[0]=http
It should be simple to run Zipkin on another ip, but I'm fighting. Could you help me, maybe I'm missing something absolutely obvious... But is a pretty common scenario, and is not that well documented.