openziti / desktop-edge-win

Provides a Ziti client for Windows
Apache License 2.0
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After ZET-WDE_Integration, WDE UI has a few bugs #503

Closed mary-dcouto closed 1 year ago

mary-dcouto commented 2 years ago
  1. During tunnel start - "service is starting" message is not displayed. The service will be started within 10-30 seconds based on the number of identities user has.
  2. When Controller sends a disconnected message - identity should be greyed {"Op":"controller","Action":"disconnected","Identifier":"C:\Users\marydcouto\NF\work\ziti\id\/deae595c4f0897d3464f559ae4d80241e6f404b8.json","Fingerprint":"deae595c4f0897d3464f559ae4d80241e6f404b8"}
  3. Controller connected message - identity should not be greyed {"Op":"controller","Action":"connected","Identifier":"C:\Users\marydcouto\NF\work\ziti\id\/deae595c4f0897d3464f559ae4d80241e6f404b8.json","Fingerprint":"deae595c4f0897d3464f559ae4d80241e6f404b8"}
  4. Notification message is displayed during the startup, if there is an identity which has mfa timeout configured
  5. There were some issues with timeout values in the identity details page in ui. It was not displaying properly. If you enter wrong MFA code, it resets the timeout. Close UI and open, it says all are timeout.
mary-dcouto commented 2 years ago

The "service is starting" message will be displayed until the service is set to running in the services.msc. UI will show the green status along with the identity information when it receives the status message. The running state was set quite earlier, so UI didnt show the progress bar. Now the running state will be set once the adapter is created and the status message is sent after another 1 or 2 seconds. So the UI shows "service is starting" for around 10 seconds and then the red button is displayed for 2 seconds, then when it receives the status message, it shows the green button. It should not show the red button in this scenario

JeremyTellier commented 2 years ago
  1. I am not even sure why that was moved to remove the message where it was, it is in the main connected/disconnected function now and I do not see the delay.

  2. I am not 100% sure how to test this, but if this is whats in ServiceClient_OnIdentityEvent connected and disconnected I have disabled the list and greyed them out if I get a disconnected there.

  3. Same as above but opposite

  4. I have tested this 97 different ways and it works how I imagine it should. We should prompt on startup if a posture check is timing out or timed out. I dont get it if MFA has not been established. Also I would not expect that notification unless it had. Unless there is some different scenario where it is toasting when it shouldn't I think this is correct.

  5. Yes, the mfa last date and time appears to be using utc now maybe or some other time zone at the service level. I have configured this to convert to my local time zone and the countdown appears to be correct again.

  6. I also fixed clints bug where you could set advanced config or log level when the service was not running and it would crash.

  7. I found another bug with Mfa code generation I may need some help with. Mfa never authenticates for recovery code generation after the first time. It was throwing errors and crashing the UI even at one point. I have committed up to this point

mary-dcouto commented 2 years ago

I am also not sure how to replicate the disconnected message, but this is controller event and not an identity event, so you may need to copy the logic to ServiceClient_OnControllerEvent function as well.

I have fixed the issue related to Get and Generate mfa. There was a mismatch in the command and the response data. Thanks for testing it. PR is raised -

mary-dcouto commented 2 years ago

I didnt understand your first point. I dont remember if I moved any of your code. Can you tell me which function are you talking about?