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ziti edge login with Ziti-standard identity file #1730

Open qrkourier opened 10 months ago

qrkourier commented 10 months ago

The easiest way to obtain an admin client cert is to enroll the JWT with the CLI. This produces a Ziti-standard JSON file with the identity's context, including the cert, key, and trust bundle.

Before using that identity with ziti edge login --client-cert, it's currently necessary to first unpack the enrolled context file into its component parts: cert, key, and bundle, e.g. ziti ops unwrap ./ziti-id.json produces ./cert, ./key, and ./ca PEM files.

This unwrap step would be superfluous if the ziti CLI could use its own Ziti-standard JSON file like this ziti edge login --identity ./ziti-id.json.

This issue is peeled off from a comment in a related issue

qrkourier commented 10 months ago

This will make it significantly easier to follow the best practice of using certificate authenticators with the mgmt API instead of an admin password.

qrkourier commented 9 months ago

The --cli-identity option will be too confusing after we add an --identity option to log in with a Ziti-standard identity JSON file. Instead, --cli-identity could become --profile or --cli-profile because the value is an arbitrary profile name on the local system, not the name of a Ziti identity entity nor the path to a Ziti identity file.

❯ ziti edge login --help
login allows the ziti command to establish a session with a Ziti Edge Controller, allowing more commands to be run against the controller.

  ziti edge login my.controller.hostname[:port]/path [flags]

      --ca string             additional root certificates used by the Ziti Edge Controller
  -i, --cli-identity string   Specify the saved identity you want the CLI to use when connect to the controller with
  -c, --client-cert string    A certificate used to authenticate
  -k, --client-key string     The key to use with certificate authentication
  -e, --ext-jwt string        A file containing a JWT from an external provider to be used for authentication
  -h, --help                  help for login
      --ignore-config         If set, does not use value from the config file for hostname or username. Values must be entered or will be prompted for.
  -j, --output-json           Output the full JSON response from the Ziti Edge Controller
      --output-request-json   Output the full JSON request to the Ziti Edge Controller
  -p, --password string       password to use for authenticating to the Ziti Edge Controller, if -u is supplied and -p is not, a value will be prompted for
      --read-only             marks this login as read-only. Note: this is not a guarantee that nothing can be changed on the server. Care should still be taken!
      --timeout int           Timeout for REST operations (specified in seconds) (default 5)
  -t, --token string          if an api token has already been acquired, it can be set in the config with this option. This will set the session to read only by default
  -u, --username string       username to use for authenticating to the Ziti Edge Controller 
      --verbose               Enable verbose logging
  -y, --yes                   If set, responds to prompts with yes. This will result in untrusted certs being accepted or updated.
mjtrangoni commented 9 months ago

@qrkourier I would love to have an alternative to the current password-only login method! Another point, not 100% directly related would be to have special non-expiring API tokens, which is the problem I was facing with the openziti_exporter.

qrkourier commented 9 months ago

@mjtrangoni While this issue is being worked you can use this approach to log in as an administrator without a password. You must create the identity with the --admin flag.

The ziti CLI has a built-in facility for separating that standard Identity file format into its components.

ziti ops unwrap \
    --cert /tmp/admin-with-cert-auth.cert \
    --key /tmp/admin-with-cert-auth.key \
    --ca /tmp/


ziti edge login \
    --username admin-with-cert-auth \
    --client-cert /tmp/admin-with-cert-auth.cert \
    --client-key /tmp/admin-with-cert-auth.key \
    --ca /tmp/
smilindave26 commented 3 months ago

and external JWT signers

qrkourier commented 2 months ago

Summary: This feature is partially implemented. The next steps are to enable OIDC and fix a bug where the token is cached with an incorrect management API URL.

issue for this bug:


ziti edge login --file ./admin2.json; 
jq '.edgeIdentities.default.url = ""' ~/.config/ziti/ziti-cli.json | tee /tmp/ziti-cli.json;
mv /tmp/ziti-cli.json ~/.config/ziti/ziti-cli.json