Open adik123985 opened 6 months ago
There are two main approaches to animated wallpapers:
This is the simpler method and is very much recommended. There are free and paid applications available that can display animated wallpapers on your computer. Some popular options include:
These applications typically allow you to use various formats like videos and GIF's. They handle the conversion and playback, ensuring a smooth animated wallpaper experience.
This method involves creating a short animation yourself and then setting it as your wallpaper. Here's a breakdown:
Creating the Animation: You can use animation software like Adobe Animate (paid) or free alternatives like Animaker to create a short video loop. Alternatively, you could create a series of JPG images and use them for a basic animation.
Formating the Animation (this is tne most important point): Ensure your animation is a format compatible with your wallpaper settings. For videos, mp4 is a good choice. If you're using images, they'll need to be sequenced correctly for smooth animation.
Seting the wallpaper: This depends upon your operating system and may involve additional tools. It's generally not as straightforward as using a dedicated application though.
If you're set on creating your own animated wallpapers, researching your specific operating system and wallpaper software will provide the most accurate instructions. However, for ease of use, using a dedicated application like Lively Wallpaper is also a good starting point.
"dark": { "image": "wallpaper/video_dark.mp4", "first_frame": "wallpaper/first_frame_dark.jpeg", "text_color": "#FFFFFF", "text_shadow": "#757575" }, "comment2": "Accepted video extensions: webm, mp4, may be more", "comment3": "First frame extension can be: jpg, jpeg, png, may be more", "light": { "image": "wallpaper/video_light.mp4", "first_frame": "wallpaper/first_frame_light.jpg", "text_color": "#FFFFFF", "text_shadow": "#0B000E" }, using this code, and taking 2 images and 2 videos, (the first frame HAS to match) should give you what you're looking for
I upload videos in jpg and webm format to the wallpaper folder and change the code as needed, but for some reason there is nothing on the browser wallpaper? How do I make animated wallpapers? Describe it in more detail