operable / cog-book

Cog's Documentation in book form
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Consider multi page Cog-Book #21

Open Shelton opened 7 years ago

Shelton commented 7 years ago

See this for reference: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-extensions-lab/blob/master/lib/multipage-html5-converter.rb

Shelton commented 7 years ago

I think that breaking it into multiple stand alone pages will help facilitate community feedback via PR submissions for that particular page.

Shelton commented 7 years ago

Upon further reading/thinking, IF we do move to a broken down Cog-Book model (which reads to be hotly debated and difficult), the user will lose the ability to control-f / command-f search for things. This will leave Cog-Book without a robust search feature. Making these updates seem to be a heavier engineering lift than to just linking the user to that particular file for editing on GitHub. I am going to look into how we can give users at the very least a way of navigating to the .md fit for editing suggestions. That direction seems rather simple - just need to figure out how to present this feature to them per section without it becoming annoying.