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Mention that bundle docker images can be in private registries #90

Open christophermaier opened 7 years ago

christophermaier commented 7 years ago

From @vanstee on October 14, 2016 15:20

pygillier [11:14 AM]  
hi all, can we pull docker images for commands from privates registries ?

vanstee [11:15 AM]  
@pygillier You should be able to. Relay has env var/config vars that you can set to auth with dockerhub or another registry. https://github.com/operable/go-relay/blob/master/example_relay.conf#L112-L133
go-relay - Cog Relay written in Go supporting Docker and simple command bundles  

Let me know if you have any trouble with it though. I know there was some weirdness with quay.io in the past

pygillier [11:17 AM]  
okay, I'll test it on my registry

(the doc on writing bundles should be updated as it doesn't state we can use private registries) http://docs.operable.io/docs/bundle-configs
Bundle Configs · Cog
Documentation for Cog, the next-generation ChatOps platform from Operable. (3KB)

Copied from original issue: operable/cog#1054