operasoftware / dns-ui

Opera's LDAP-authenticated PowerDNS user interface
Apache License 2.0
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Looks great, any chance for Mysql support? #35

Open seitzbg opened 6 years ago

seitzbg commented 6 years ago

Would be nice if more than just Pgsql was supported. Ideally (if it doesn't already) the frontend would purely use the PowerDNS API and support either DBMS for config/changelog storage etc...

thomas-pike commented 6 years ago

All communication with PowerDNS is done over the API, so PowerDNS can use whatever backend you want. The DNS UI database is used, as you say, for config and changelog storage and only supports Postgres at present. Currently I don't have plans to add MySQL support, but it's something to consider.

traskat commented 6 years ago

MySQL support would be awesome.

TCB13 commented 6 years ago

MySQL/MariaDB would be great. Although Postgres is popular, MySQL is more. Thank you.

johnnybubonic commented 5 years ago

hate to comment just to +1, but MySQL/MariaDB support indeed would be fantastic. i'd venture that most DB-backed PDNS installs are using mysql rather than pgsql, and if you want to run them on the same host it's a bit unfortunate that you'd have to run an entirely different DB engine as well just to support this UI and the backend.

edit: perhaps a DB abstraction framework or RDBMS instead, like PDO? that would let you support oracleDB, MySQL/MariaDB, OR postgresql all with the same code, IIRC (i'm a python guy, not a php guy, so someone correct me if that's incorrect).

Yamakasi commented 5 years ago

Any news on this ?

aiso-net commented 5 years ago

I would like MySQL support as well

Daniel15 commented 5 years ago

perhaps a DB abstraction framework or RDBMS instead, like PDO? that would let you support oracleDB, MySQL/MariaDB, OR postgresql all with the same code, IIRC (i'm a python guy, not a php guy, so someone correct me if that's incorrect)

@johnnybubonic PDO lets you connect to different database systems, however it doesn't abstract the SQL queries themselves, so sometimes you need to write different queries depending on which DBMS is in use (eg. MySQL supports ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE for updating an existing row if a duplicate key is found during INSERT, whereas PostgreSQL has ON CONFLICT). An alternative is to use an ORM like Propel or Doctrine rather than manually writing SQL queries, as then the framework builds the queries for you.

TCB13 commented 4 years ago

All communication with PowerDNS is done over the API, so PowerDNS can use whatever backend you want.

I'm currenty using https://github.com/ngoduykhanh/PowerDNS-Admin as an alternative to this project just because it doesn't need PostgreSQL.

Daniel15 commented 4 years ago

PowerDNS-Admin is what I'm using at the moment as well.