operasoftware / operachromiumdriver

OperaDriver for Chromium-based Opera releases
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Browser window not closing #11

Open antoin-m opened 9 years ago

antoin-m commented 9 years ago


I just ran into something strange, when I try to quit the WebDriver, the browser just closes every tab then reopens a new, empty one.

Here is how I instantiate my webdriver :

OperaOptions options = new OperaOptions();
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.operaBlink();
capabilities.setCapability(OperaOptions.CAPABILITY, options);
capabilities.setCapability("opera.no_restart", true);
capabilities.setCapability("opera.no_quit", false);
driver = new OperaDriver(capabilities);

It happens when I call


I am using OperaPortable 29.0 and Opera Webdriver 0.2.2.

pddpp commented 9 years ago

I got some similar issue here aka driver.quit() not working. I'm using selenium to drive local opera browser. Version: 30.0.1835.55472 - Checking for updates... Update stream: Stable System: Windows 7 64-bit (WoW64)

I open the browser with: webdriver_service = service.Service('C:/operadriver.exe') webdriver_service.start()

capability={"browserName":"opera","chromeOptions":{"args":["--use-fake-ui-for-media-stream","--ignore-certificate-errors"],"extensions":[],"binary":"C:/Program Files/Opera/opera.exe"}} driver1 = webdriver.Remote(webdriver_service.service_url, capability)

After some test action, I want to close the browser with: driver1.close() driver1.quit()

While .close() will close the tab in the browser, .quit() won't do anything and no error is reported.

dventurino commented 7 years ago

Same problem, quit() won't close the Opera browser