operate-first / community

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Proposal: Move governance of OSG run Operate First Data Science Meet Up Subproject to OPF Community SIG #192

Closed MichaelClifford closed 2 years ago

MichaelClifford commented 2 years ago

I propose that the existing Operate First Data Science Community Meet Up (repo) that is currently run as a subproject under the Open Services Group's Data Science SIG be transferred completely as a subproject under Operate First Community SIG governance.

Along with this transfer of governance, I also propose that we broaden the set of topics in this meetup from only data science, to anything operate first related in addition to data science.

This relates to another issue #174 "Form a Data Science SIG"

cc: @schwesig @quaid @aakankshaduggal @durandom

durandom commented 2 years ago

👍 did we talk to the ODH community if there's interest in co-chairing this? Maybe @adrezni or @erikerlandson ?

quaid commented 2 years ago

SIG Community met today and agreed to take over the management and production of meetups for Operate First from the group that has been doing this work. We will continue to collaborate with the (future) Data Science SIG on DS content.

Our first actions are:

  1. Form a working group to figure out how we want to continue and support this effort
  2. Go to the meetup and ask members if they are open to expanding the scope beyond DS
  3. Invite members of the meetup community and beyond to join the working group to help choose, organize, and run future meetups

Ultimately, SIG Community wants a meetup that includes all the range of topics that might interest the Operate First community. If the best way to do that is to evolve the DS meetup, great! If the best way to that is to start a new general topic meetup, great!

If the DS meetup community isn't interested in broadening the topics (and maybe having a dedicated DS monthly slot), then we can continue to support them as a DS meetup and start a new Op1st meetup based on the same process.

Ramp across timeline that keeps the current meeting series alive while giving the organizers a clear timeline for shifting responsibility for the work:

  1. Accept the ownership of the DS meetup from current organizers, form a Community Meetup WG -- (DONE 2022-06-02)
  2. @quaid and @MichaelClifford take the question of scope to the next DS meetup, introduce the new WG and invite participation
  3. Working group meets by middle of June, topics include:
    • @aakankshaduggal shares the process she uses to organize and run the meetups
    • Process is discussed, looking for ways to share the burdens or split up the work
    • Roles are identified for the process to be successful; filling the roles is a dependency on the handover being complete
    • Are we able to conclude on the discussion of the future of the DS meetup itself?
    • Who wants to fill what roles in the meetup process?
      • Wider recruiting needed, too
  4. New organizers join @aakankshaduggal in organizing the meetups on 14 June and 28 June, complete hand-off to follow by the end of July:
    • This is the fast-paced schedule; if new organizers are not ready by 14 June, move off by two weeks
    • Ideally, the last meetup that @aakankshaduggal needs to be involved as an organizer for is 26 July
schwesig commented 2 years ago

/area community /area contributor /kind data-scientist /kind governance