operate-first / operate-first.github.io-old

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website build fails #303

Closed oindrillac closed 3 years ago

oindrillac commented 3 years ago

The last 3 builds of the website failed. The last build which ran successfully was from https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/pull/290


> gatsby build --prefix-paths && gh-pages -d public -r https://$GH_TOKEN@github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io.git -m "Updates $TRAVIS_COMMIT: $TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE"
success open and validate gatsby-configs - 0.251s
warning Plugin gatsby-transformer-remark-frontmatter is not compatible with your gatsby version 2.32.3 - It requires gatsby@^3.6.2
success load plugins - 1.958s
success onPreInit - 0.055s
success delete html and css files from previous builds - 0.005s
success initialize cache - 0.006s
success copy gatsby files - 0.048s
success onPreBootstrap - 0.013s
success createSchemaCustomization - 0.081s
error "@rafaelquintanilha/gatsby-transformer-ipynb" threw an error while running the onCreateNode lifecycle:
Minified React error #137; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=137&args[]=hr&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
  Error: Minified React error #137; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder  .html?invariant=137&args[]=hr&args[]= for the full message or use the non-mini  fied dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.

  - react-dom-server.node.production.min.js:50 a.b.renderDOM
    [operate-first.github.io]/[react-dom]/cjs/react-dom-server.node.production.m    in.js:50:105

  - react-dom-server.node.production.min.js:45 a.b.render
    [operate-first.github.io]/[react-dom]/cjs/react-dom-server.node.production.m    in.js:45:326

  - react-dom-server.node.production.min.js:44 a.b.read
    [operate-first.github.io]/[react-dom]/cjs/react-dom-server.node.production.m    in.js:44:18

  - react-dom-server.node.production.min.js:54 Object.renderToStaticMarkup
    [operate-first.github.io]/[react-dom]/cjs/react-dom-server.node.production.m    in.js:54:462

  - on-node-create.js:45 Object.onCreateNode
    [operate-first.github.io]/[@rafaelquintanilha]/gatsby-transformer-ipynb/on-n    ode-create.js:45:37

  - api-runner-node.js:485 runAPI

Error Log
not finished source and transform nodes - 7.150s
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! operate-first.github.io@0.1.0 travis-deploy: `gatsby build --prefix-paths && gh-pages -d public -r https://$GH_TOKEN@github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io.git -m "Updates $TRAVIS_COMMIT: $TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE"`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the operate-first.github.io@0.1.0 travis-deploy script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/travis/.npm/_logs/2021-08-26T12_25_29_822Z-debug.log
Script failed with status 1
oindrillac commented 3 years ago

cc: @tumido

oindrillac commented 3 years ago

Oindrilla Chatterjee wrote: Some react packages seem to be causing the website build fail. https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/issues/303 Anybody familiar with react who can help? We would need some changes to reflect on the website for our upcoming devconf talks.

Gage Krumbach wrote: it looks like it could be the same error as before with the hr tag.

error message was "hr is a void element tag and must neither havechildrennor usedangerouslySetInnerHTML."

Oindrilla Chatterjee wrote: Gage Krumbach is there a way to tell which notebook is causing this issue?

Gage Krumbach wrote: im looking into that now. shouldn't be to difficult to find

Oindrilla Chatterjee wrote: thank you!

Gage Krumbach wrote: think it might be this notebook: https://github.com/aicoe-aiops/ocp-ci-analysis/blob/master/notebooks/time-to-merge-prediction/model_inference.ipynb

Oindrilla Chatterjee wrote: I see

Gage Krumbach wrote: i ran it again without the notebook at it didnt throw an error. i remember last time the error was thrown because of some headers in the notebook

Oindrilla Chatterjee wrote: right. I see the line breaks in the notebook

Oindrilla Chatterjee wrote: i will remove it

Oindrilla Chatterjee wrote: it seems like even 3 hyphens seem to be rejected by it

Gage Krumbach wrote: we want to use something like this https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-sanitize to clean up the markdown portions of the notebooks. currently the notebook-renderer we use doesnt do that. https://github.com/rafaelquintanilha/notebook-render/blob/master/src/index.tsx#L177.

Gage Krumbach wrote: all it does is remove those bad portions so everything still runs fine

Oindrilla Chatterjee wrote: fixed the notebook here https://github.com/aicoe-aiops/ocp-ci-analysis/pull/370 and re-triggered a build, hoping that works!

_Transcript of Slack thread: https://operatefirst.slack.com/archives/C01RMPVUUK1/p1630519513063800?thread_ts=1630519513.063800&cid=C01RMPVUUK1_