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Request to transfer repository from Operate First to Koku GitHub organization #1237

Closed gagansk closed 1 year ago

gagansk commented 1 year ago
gagansk commented 1 year ago

@tumido Can you look into this?

Gregory-Pereira commented 1 year ago

I can do this but I need permissions on project-koku org to move it there. It says You don’t have the permission to create public repositories on project-koku

tumido commented 1 year ago

@gagansk I'm in the same boat as @Gregory-Pereira . I can't transfer it unless I can create repos in the target organization. Therefore I've made you the admin with full permissions over the https://github.com/operate-first/curator-operator repo. This way you should hopefully be able to initiate the transfer yourself. If it doesn't help we can arrange something else in coordination with project-koku admins.

goern commented 1 year ago

see https://operatefirst.slack.com/archives/C01RMPVUUK1/p1680187130893889

/unassign /assign @gagansk

gagansk commented 1 year ago

@tumido , I am unable to transfer the repository. I see the message "Organization members cannot transfer repositories" under the transfer repository option.

Do you want me to request Koku admins to add you to their contributor list so that you can transfer this repo from Operate First to Koku?

gagansk commented 1 year ago

Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 2 58 33 PM

cooktheryan commented 1 year ago

@gagansk yes that would be great if they could temporarily add on of the folks within this thread to their organization

pgarciaq commented 1 year ago

@tumido @gagansk I don't think you need to be admins in project-koku. Our admins are already waiting for this repo. Just request the transfer and we'll pick it up.

goern commented 1 year ago

I did that, and also clicked the 'I understand' button...


tumido commented 1 year ago

@pgarciaq I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be difficult. It just seems the workflow has changed on GitHub side and moving the repository to a different organization now requires permission to create repositories in an organization directly, instead of generating a transfer request. I'm just getting the same error as Gregory or Christoph...


As a workaround, I can suggest we try to transfer the repository directly to either you or @gagansk and you can then initiate a second transfer to project-koku yourself. I'm not sure if that would work either but we can try it. If it doesn't work, we can arrange a quick call between org owners (1 from each side), temporarily granting the necessary permissions and clicking all the buttons.

pgarciaq commented 1 year ago

@tumido sure. We'll have to wait till next week, since several Koku people are on PTO this week.

cc: @adberglund @maskarb

goern commented 1 year ago

is this still ongoing?

gagansk commented 1 year ago

Yes. This process is still in the works.

tumido commented 1 year ago

@gagansk what can we do to help you with it? Can we transfer the repository to you for example?

kholdaway commented 1 year ago

Do you want to make me an admin on this repo? I can transfer it.

gagansk commented 1 year ago

@kholdaway I have sent you a repo admin invite.

kholdaway commented 1 year ago


kholdaway commented 1 year ago

This may have to be temporary, but I cannot transfer with just the repo access.

gagansk commented 1 year ago

@tumido Can you help @kholdaway with this?

gagansk commented 1 year ago

I believe we hit the same roadblock when we were trying to transfer the repo before as well. @tumido Can you tell us what needs to be done to complete this transfer?

kholdaway commented 1 year ago

As noted in the screenshot, organizational admins can do this not members. This person has to be an admin in both this org and project-koku. If you want to make me an org admin in operate-first (just for a short window so I can move the repo), we can do this easily.

tumido commented 1 year ago

FTR: we met online with @kholdaway and moved it by adding him temporarily to the org admins. An associated cleanup PR is https://github.com/operate-first/common/pull/167