operating-function / pallas

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re-work count-up cog to be a clear Sire syntax exemplar with comments #5

Closed vcavallo closed 1 month ago

vcavallo commented 1 month ago
vcavallo commented 1 month ago
; Copyright 2024 OPFN
; Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
; found in the LICENSE file.

; inline 'prelude' before 'demo_count_up'
#### demo_count_up <- prelude

; import 'prelude.sire'
:| prelude

;;; Count Up ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; Bind a top-level function named countLoop that takes a 'count' parameter
; (and a 'k' parameter that we don't need to worry about now)
= (countLoop count k)
; 1. Print out the current count to the console with the "trk" function from the
; standard library.
; (Remember we received "count" as an argument to our current countLoop function)
; the bar | at the start of this line is one style of function application.
; It says "apply the function 'trk' to the arguments after it"
| trk [{counter is at} count]
; "trk" is a function that takes two arguments:
; - the message to log to the terminal
; - the remainder of the program (a "continuation")
; This "continuation pipeline" is a common pattern you will encounter often.
; 2. Next, we want to do a clock system call for the current time.
; the 'syscall' function takes two arguments:
; - a request type of TIME_WHEN ("give me the current system time" in this case)
; - a continuation function
; we want to pass an argument to **the continuation** also, so
; we use & to define an anonymous lambda with one argument, "now" which
; is the result of the TIME_WHEN current time system call.
| syscall TIME_WHEN
& now
; We are in the body of the continuation function here and have the "now"
; binding included in scope. Once again we're seeing the continuation-passing
; style here.
; 3. Now we want to wait 1 second. We'll use this opportunity to show an
; alternative style that you'll come across often in Pallas code.
; We're going to use the TIME_WAIT syscall. TIME_WAIT itself takes a single
; argument - the amount of time to wait. We want to wait 1 second, which is
; the current time plus 1 (remember at this point we have "now" in scope).
; The "inc" function takes a value and returns the result of adding 1 to it.
; You'll see "inc" applied to "now" below by wrapping both in parenthesis.
; Rather than using the & anonymous lambda style, we're now using the
; "col macro". You can think of this as _sort of_ like a "do block". It is
; a method of writing continuation-passing style in a way that feels
; like assignment.
; On the right side of the < we're doing the syscall and the result of
; that call gets bound to 'resultOfTimeWait'. As with the previous syscall,
; the next argument is a continuation - which again is the rest of the code
; below the col macro line.
: resultOfTimeWait < syscall (TIME_WAIT (inc now))
; Our goal with TIME_WAIT was just to wait 1 second. We don't actually use
; the "result" of the TIME_WAIT syscall (bound to 'resultOfTimeWait'). In this
; case we could have bound it to "_" to denote this.
; 4. Finally, after waiting 1 second, we recurr and pass an incremented
; value for 'count'
| countLoop (inc count) k

; That ends our infinite-looping single-second counter.
; Now that we have this function written we'll start a process that will be
; responsible for running this function and handling any threads or syscalls
; that are involved.
; These processes are called "cogs" and are initiated with the "runCog" function.
; We bind a top-level "main" function that will call runCog.
= (main)
; When we pass countLoop to runCog as its "job", we also need to provide
; the starting count of zero:
| runCog (countLoop 0)

; example output:
; ++ [%trk {2024-08-02T17:05:48.468929096Z}]
; ++ [{counter is at} 1]
; ++ [%trk {2024-08-02T17:05:49.470040565Z}]
; ++ [{counter is at} 2]
; ++ [%trk {2024-08-02T17:05:50.471186301Z}]
; ++ [{counter is at} 3]
vcavallo commented 1 month ago


vcavallo commented 1 month ago


vcavallo commented 1 month ago
