operator-framework / combo

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Combo deployment manifest references a local, non-existent image #93

Closed exdx closed 1 year ago

exdx commented 2 years ago

The combo deployment manifest currently references the quay.io/operator-framework/combo:latest which is a moving tag meant for referencing a locally built and loaded image. Since this tag doesn't exist on quay, deploying combo via its /manifests directory does not result in a successful deployment since the image is not found.

There does exist a operator-framework/combo-operator:v0.0.1 image, so ideally there would be a way to update the deployment to reference this image at runtime (via kustomize?). Alternatively, for every tagged release a new subdirectory under manifests could be created that houses the manifests required to deploy that particular version (see OLM's upstream deploy directory for an example.

There is also the option of simply supporting a quay.io/operator-framework/combo-operator:latest image tag. This would enable deployments to work and still enable the local CI workflow: since CI creates the cluster from scratch each time, and the image is loaded, as long as the pull policy is IfNotPresent the locally generated version of the image is guaranteed to be used.