operator-framework / community-operators

The canonical source for Kubernetes Operators that appear on OperatorHub.io, OpenShift Container Platform and OKD.
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Community CatalogSource pod should use the RHEL 8 #4273

Closed jianzhangbjz closed 3 years ago

jianzhangbjz commented 3 years ago

Copied it from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1980671:

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install OCP 4.8
2. Project to the openshift-marketplace namespace.
[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc get pods
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
3ace0a1c4e2f8fea7add6dbe3b53b2cecaab24ee45b7dc5ff825c5278ecqx6h   0/1     Completed   0          6h15m
9a84ac6855a66ef231eee91bf2b0dee2eb322a19b69b82ebcdc14fba46dj8pr   0/1     Completed   0          6h15m
certified-operators-cpt94                                         1/1     Running     0          6h40m
community-operators-24vnl                                         1/1     Running     0          6h40m
marketplace-operator-67c66b66b8-djn9z                             1/1     Running     0          6h47m
qe-app-registry-gt7cc                                             1/1     Running     0          6h15m
redhat-marketplace-vjwdj                                          1/1     Running     0          6h40m
redhat-operators-l8p4r                                            1/1     Running     0          6h40m

3. Check the pod's OS.

Actual results:
The community CatalogSource used the RHEL 7.9
[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ for p in $(oc get pods |awk 'NR == 1 {next} {print $1}'); do oc exec $p -- cat /etc/redhat-release;done
error: cannot exec into a container in a completed pod; current phase is Succeeded
error: cannot exec into a container in a completed pod; current phase is Succeeded
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.4 (Ootpa)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.4 (Ootpa)
cat: can't open '/etc/redhat-release': No such file or directory
command terminated with exit code 1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.4 (Ootpa)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.4 (Ootpa)

Expected results:
It should use RHEL 8.4 as others.
dmesser commented 3 years ago

Thanks Jian, we'll track this via internal Jira for OpenShift