operator-framework / deppy

Deppy: The dependency resolver for Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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[EntitySource] Modify entity source interface #90

Closed varshaprasad96 closed 1 year ago

varshaprasad96 commented 1 year ago

The "Get" function of the entity source did not return an error and instead only a nil entity when its not found. This PR modifies the same, to make it return an error.

Reason: The method could be implmented with a client that fetches bundle contents from the cluster. The error returned from the client needs to be propagated. Even if its from an offline key-value store, it could be upto the library users to ignore the returned error.

More info: https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-controller/pull/141#discussion_r1163271945

joelanford commented 1 year ago

Looks good to me, but I'll defer to @perdasilva to make sure we aren't missing some important context about this.

joelanford commented 1 year ago

(Something seems off with the merge requirement for someone from operator-framework/deppy-maintainers. Me, @perdasilva, @ankitathomas , and @everettraven have all approved, and apparently none of us are on that team. I'm going to use my admin powers to merge anyway.