operator-framework / deppy

Deppy: The dependency resolver for Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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Variable pipelines #96

Closed awgreene closed 8 months ago

awgreene commented 1 year ago


Write an RFC for resolution pipelines as a possible (extensible/observable) architecture for generating Variables for resolution.


The deppy solver takes as input a slice of Variables. A Variable contains an unique ID and a slice of Constraint that models its relationships to other Variables. The solver unwraps this set of Variables into a boolean statement that is given as input to the internal SAT solver. With this mechanism, the deppy solver tries to determine the smallest set of Variables such that all constraints are met.

Variables are derived by VariableSources from domain specific objects (e.g. user intents, packages, bundles, the cluster, etc.) whose properties drive the conversion between domain object and Variable including all of the Variable's constraints. Here's an example:

Required Package A required package Variable represents the user's intent to install a package, optionally within a semver range and/or specific channel. It could be defined in code as follows:

v := NewSimpleVariable("required-package/foo", Dependency(getBundleVariableIDs(packageName, semverRange, channel)))

Where required-package/foo is the ID of the variable, and the dependency constraint references all bundles within the channel/semver range. The dependency constraint would look roughly like:

~ required-package/foo _bundle1 _bundle2 ... _bundle_n__,

in other words, either at least one of the bundle variables is true OR required-package/foo is false.

Variable Generation Process The current variable generation process is as follows:

This set of variables will be passed to the resolver for evaluation.


We need a way to produce the Variables and their Constraints, from a variety of sources (e.g. resources, cluster(s), catalog source(s), etc.). It needs to be easy to observe the Variable creation process. This is important for debugging and making it easier to understand why the resolver is behaving in a particular way. It should also be extensible. We want to avoid going deep into the code in order to add a new VariableSource.


Acceptance Criteria

github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago

This issue has become stale because it has been open 60 days with no activity. The maintainers of this repo will remove this label during issue triage or it will be removed automatically after an update. Adding the lifecycle/frozen label will cause this issue to ignore lifecycle events.

github-actions[bot] commented 9 months ago

This issue has become stale because it has been open 60 days with no activity. The maintainers of this repo will remove this label during issue triage or it will be removed automatically after an update. Adding the lifecycle/frozen label will cause this issue to ignore lifecycle events.

perdasilva commented 8 months ago

closed as obsolete