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operator authors have good examples of how to perform common FBC update actions on bundle publish #293

Closed grokspawn closed 1 year ago

grokspawn commented 1 year ago

Operator authors need to be able to automate catalog updates on bundle publish. This will reduce adoption friction as well as open the door for bundle-publsh...catalog-publish automation pipelines. 

We explored the space and concluded that there are too many possible variations authors will use to express their operator upgrade graphs and insufficient information in the space to be able to reduce the number of variables.

Instead, we will try to document a number of prominent use-cases using mainstream tools to help authors integrate these steps into their CI flows.

https://hackmd.io/i5HuUv2sRi-dWm-m_VYi4w?view captures these cases.  The TODO section is those which need to be identified as part of this scope.  The other sections represent significant use-cases which need to be integrated to the documentation.


  1. all use-cases are added to https://olm.operatorframework.io/docs/reference/file-based-catalogs/
  2. docs reviewed/approved