operator-framework / operator-controller

A new and improved management framework for extending Kubernetes with Operators
Apache License 2.0
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Operator Controller Should Provide a Standard Install Process #1026

Open acornett21 opened 2 weeks ago

acornett21 commented 2 weeks ago

Today the install is done from yamls from the the release pages, which is less the ideal for end users. We should mimic the install process of OLMv0 (as far as steps go, the mechanism could be different). Sample process below:

  1. Install dependencies
  2. Install operator-controller
  3. Install the same catalog from OperatorHub.io that OLMv0 uses.
joelanford commented 2 weeks ago

I actually don't think the curl <releaseScript> | bash is all that bad of an installation process. The fact that that's the only place we have it documented isn't ideal though. I'd almost split this into 3 different things to do, in order:

  1. Add a ClusterCatalog for quay.io/operatorhubio/catalog:latest to our existing install script.
  2. Improve our docs (and also docs process/developer awareness) to have a more user-centric (rather than developer-centric) place to find installation instructions.
  3. (maybe) Build tooling into a common tool (maybe kubectl-operator?) that can automate installation/upgrade of OLMv1.
trgeiger commented 1 week ago
