operator-framework / rukpak

RukPak runs in a Kubernetes cluster and defines APIs for installing cloud native content
Apache License 2.0
51 stars 50 forks source link

Make asynchronous #886

Open github-actions[bot] opened 1 month ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago


package source

import (

    gcrkube "github.com/google/go-containerregistry/pkg/authn/kubernetes"
    apimacherrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"

    rukpakv1alpha2 "github.com/operator-framework/rukpak/api/v1alpha2"
    rukpakerrors "github.com/operator-framework/rukpak/pkg/errors"

// TODO: Make asynchronous

type ImageRegistry struct {
    BaseCachePath string
    AuthNamespace string

func (i *ImageRegistry) Unpack(ctx context.Context, bundle *rukpakv1alpha2.BundleDeployment) (*Result, error) {
    l := log.FromContext(ctx)
    if bundle.Spec.Source.Type != rukpakv1alpha2.SourceTypeImage {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("programmer error: source type %q is unable to handle specified bundle source type %q", rukpakv1alpha2.SourceTypeImage, bundle.Spec.Source.Type))

    if bundle.Spec.Source.Image == nil {
        return nil, rukpakerrors.NewUnrecoverable(fmt.Errorf("error parsing bundle, bundle %s has a nil image source", bundle.Name))

    imgRef, err := name.ParseReference(bundle.Spec.Source.Image.Ref)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, rukpakerrors.NewUnrecoverable(fmt.Errorf("error parsing image reference: %w", err))

    remoteOpts := []remote.Option{}
    if bundle.Spec.Source.Image.ImagePullSecretName != "" {
        chainOpts := k8schain.Options{
            ImagePullSecrets: []string{bundle.Spec.Source.Image.ImagePullSecretName},
            Namespace:        i.AuthNamespace,
            // TODO: Do we want to use any secrets that are included in the rukpak service account?
            // If so, we will need to add the permission to get service accounts and specify
            // the rukpak service account name here.
            ServiceAccountName: gcrkube.NoServiceAccount,
        authChain, err := k8schain.NewInCluster(ctx, chainOpts)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting auth keychain: %w", err)

        remoteOpts = append(remoteOpts, remote.WithAuthFromKeychain(authChain))

    if bundle.Spec.Source.Image.InsecureSkipTLSVerify {
        insecureTransport := remote.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()
        if insecureTransport.TLSClientConfig == nil {
            insecureTransport.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{} // nolint:gosec
        insecureTransport.TLSClientConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = true // nolint:gosec
        remoteOpts = append(remoteOpts, remote.WithTransport(insecureTransport))

    digest, isDigest := imgRef.(name.Digest)
    if isDigest {
        hexVal := strings.TrimPrefix(digest.DigestStr(), "sha256:")
        unpackPath := filepath.Join(i.BaseCachePath, bundle.Name, hexVal)
        if stat, err := os.Stat(unpackPath); err == nil && stat.IsDir() {
            l.V(1).Info("found image in filesystem cache", "digest", hexVal)
            return unpackedResult(os.DirFS(unpackPath), bundle, digest.String()), nil

    // always fetch the hash
    imgDesc, err := remote.Head(imgRef, remoteOpts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error fetching image descriptor: %w", err)
    l.V(1).Info("resolved image descriptor", "digest", imgDesc.Digest.String())

    unpackPath := filepath.Join(i.BaseCachePath, bundle.Name, imgDesc.Digest.Hex)
    if _, err = os.Stat(unpackPath); errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) { //nolint: nestif
        // Ensure any previous unpacked bundle is cleaned up before unpacking the new catalog.
        if err := i.Cleanup(ctx, bundle); err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("error cleaning up bundle cache: %w", err)

        if err = os.MkdirAll(unpackPath, 0700); err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating unpack path: %w", err)

        if err = unpackImage(ctx, imgRef, unpackPath, remoteOpts...); err != nil {
            cleanupErr := os.RemoveAll(unpackPath)
            if cleanupErr != nil {
                err = apimacherrors.NewAggregate(
                        fmt.Errorf("error cleaning up unpack path after unpack failed: %w", cleanupErr),
            return nil, wrapUnrecoverable(fmt.Errorf("error unpacking image: %w", err), isDigest)
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking if image is in filesystem cache: %w", err)

    resolvedRef := fmt.Sprintf("%s@sha256:%s", imgRef.Context().Name(), imgDesc.Digest.Hex)
    return unpackedResult(os.DirFS(unpackPath), bundle, resolvedRef), nil

func wrapUnrecoverable(err error, isUnrecoverable bool) error {
    if isUnrecoverable {
        return rukpakerrors.NewUnrecoverable(err)
    return err

func (i *ImageRegistry) Cleanup(_ context.Context, bundle *rukpakv1alpha2.BundleDeployment) error {
    return os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(i.BaseCachePath, bundle.Name))

func unpackedResult(fsys fs.FS, bundle *rukpakv1alpha2.BundleDeployment, ref string) *Result {
    return &Result{
        Bundle: fsys,
        ResolvedSource: &rukpakv1alpha2.BundleSource{
            Type: rukpakv1alpha2.SourceTypeImage,
            Image: &rukpakv1alpha2.ImageSource{
                Ref:                   ref,
                ImagePullSecretName:   bundle.Spec.Source.Image.ImagePullSecretName,
                InsecureSkipTLSVerify: bundle.Spec.Source.Image.InsecureSkipTLSVerify,
        State: StateUnpacked,

// unpackImage unpacks a bundle image reference to the provided unpackPath,
// returning an error if any errors are encountered along the way.
func unpackImage(ctx context.Context, imgRef name.Reference, unpackPath string, remoteOpts ...remote.Option) error {
    img, err := remote.Image(imgRef, remoteOpts...)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error fetching remote image %q: %w", imgRef.Name(), err)

    layers, err := img.Layers()
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error getting image layers: %w", err)

    for _, layer := range layers {
        layerRc, err := layer.Uncompressed()
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error getting uncompressed layer data: %w", err)

        // This filter ensures that the files created have the proper UID and GID
        // for the filesystem they will be stored on to ensure no permission errors occur when attempting to create the
        // files.
        _, err = archive.Apply(ctx, unpackPath, layerRc, archive.WithFilter(func(th *tar.Header) (bool, error) {
            th.Uid = os.Getuid()
            th.Gid = os.Getgid()
            return true, nil
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error applying layer to archive: %w", err)

    return nil