Closed siddhu2310 closed 8 months ago
I have resolved this by adding Disbale SSL verification. In Module : OpenProjectAPIModul Function : OpenProjectAPI
With objHTTP
'To remove SSL Error
**.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_SslErrorIgnoreFlags) = &H3300**
.SetTimeouts 0, 60000, waitLng, waitLng '.SetTimeouts resolve, connect, send, receive '.SetTimeouts 0, 60000, 30000, 120000
.Open MethodStr, URLCompleteStr, False
For i = LBound(RequestHeaderArray, 1) To UBound(RequestHeaderArray, 1)
.SetRequestHeader RequestHeaderArray(i, 1), RequestHeaderArray(i, 2)
Next i
If BodyStr = Empty Then
.Send (BodyStr)
End If
If Not .ResponseText = "" Then
OpenProjectAPI.Add "ResponseText", .ResponseText
OpenProjectAPI.Add "ResponseText", "{}"
End If
OpenProjectAPI.Add "Status", .Status
If Not .Status = 200 And Not .Status = 201 And Not .Status = 204 Then
If Not .ResponseText = Empty Then
OpenProjectAPI.Add "StatusText", JsonConverter.ParseJson(.ResponseText)("message")
MsgBox ("Error at connecting to Server. Abort.")
Call BasicsModul.Abort
End If
OpenProjectAPI.Add "StatusText", .StatusText
End If
End With
I have hosted in open project community edition in local server , and used self signed certificate. so the Excel Sync is not working and shows error.