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Decide back end architecture #12

Closed ConnorFoody closed 7 years ago

ConnorFoody commented 7 years ago

I think there are 2 options:

1) as a platform: all one language, no IPC 2) as micro-services: pipeline hits analytic "services"

I think the platform will be easier to implement and administer in production, especially while we are just getting off the ground. It may stumble if we need to move off one computer.

I think the micro-service approach may be more flexible and powerful. We could easily move to a distributed setting and won't be locked into any stack. It may be much harder to administrate leading to higher risk.

@amanz360 @sirmarcis @rmarathay lets talk about this either today or next week

ConnorFoody commented 7 years ago

Think that we decided to use a SOA in go