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Pelican Plugins to consider #6

Open VegaDeftwing opened 4 years ago

VegaDeftwing commented 4 years ago

from https://github.com/getpelican/pelican-plugins, some to consider:

Filetime from Git | Uses Git commit to determine page date

Math Render | Gives pelican the ability to render mathematics

currently unsure if done already. need to check $ $ blocks in openg

Pelican YouTube | Enables you to embed YouTube videos in your pages and articles

VegaDeftwing commented 4 years ago

Math is currently not rendered - just search for $$\sum_{n=1}^{72} n$$ in the OpEng doc near 'So Why Did I do all of that exactly?'

VegaDeftwing commented 4 years ago

Math and Filetime from git plugins have been added. Issues upon trying to add Youtube plugin, will look into later.