opitzconsulting / jquery-mobile-angular-adapter

jquery mobile angular adapter
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Howto open a popup when using $routeProvider? #122

Closed mlegenhausen closed 11 years ago

mlegenhausen commented 11 years ago


When I am using it like this I get an error. Any advice? I want also to open the popup programatically via an ng-click method call.

caseman72 commented 11 years ago

I created a function to do it - we load the html from a get request - so it takes a string (not what you are asking for but it does the job):


caseman72 commented 11 years ago

This is a little cleaner if you allow JQM to init the popup in the content div: http://jsfiddle.net/4mv56/

tbosch commented 11 years ago

Hi, popups need to be declared inside the page that uses the popup, and they cannot be loaded using AJAX. This is a restriction by jqm. To open a popup, right now you have to have an <a data-rel="popup" id="somePopupId"> and the user has to click on that link. The adapter does not yet support a way to programmatically open the popup, you are right.

I will add this, so you are able to open a popup using $location.hash("myPopupId"). However, routes for popups or loading popups using ajax will not be possible due to the limitations of jqm.

Would this help?


caseman72 commented 11 years ago

We do it - but you have to init them with .popup().popup('open") but it's a little hacky. One thing, I had to alter this code to prevent redirecting to /&ui-state=dialog when a popup is active and the browser back button is pressed - hard to show on jsfiddle:

function startNavigation() {
    $.mobile.changePage(url, navConfig);
    if ($.mobile.popup.active) {
        // Popup are available without loading,
        // so we can check them right after calling $.mobile.changePage!
        // dialogUrl(true);
mlegenhausen commented 11 years ago

I find it much more intuitive to open the popup via a method instead by an id and the route.

tbosch commented 11 years ago

Hi, I thought about this. For the collapsible widget, we already have a data-collapsed databinding attribute, with which you can open/close the widget using databinding programmatically. What do you think about a new data-opened attribute on popups with databinding? By this, you can read out the current opened state in your controller, and are also able to change it without a direct access to jQuery.


<div data-role="popup" data-opened="opened">Hello</div>

<button ng-click="opened=true">Open Popup</button>
Current state: {{opened}}


mlegenhausen commented 11 years ago

That would be nice. Would it be possible to use the same controller as for the button?

tbosch commented 11 years ago


marcorinck commented 11 years ago

That looks REALLY nice! Can't wait for that.

tbosch commented 11 years ago

Hello, here is an example of the new data-opened attribute for popups: http://jsfiddle.net/ZHKBA/101/
