opitzconsulting / jquery-mobile-angular-adapter

jquery mobile angular adapter
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Add Documentation (Suggestions/Hints) for Phonegap Integration #185

Open jvanalst opened 11 years ago

jvanalst commented 11 years ago

Seems to be a fairly common use case flipping through the issues. There seems to be enough little gotchas that adding a Phonegap/Cordova hint section to the documentation might be a good idea.

I noticed that besides having to fix a bunch of absolute links (href="#!/index.html instead of href="/index.html#!/index.html") in the actual documents, I also had to make sure the start page was actually /index.html and not /.

Additionally for whatever reason the base tag that get created in chrome wasn't getting created in iOS causing the initial page load to error. I tried about three different things to resolve it because I figured it was a load order/document not ready thing. Dynamically loading scripts on deviceready broke angular. The load order was much more delicate than I expected. In the end I had to add a hack to insert a base tag before the other scripts ran.

  window.isPhoneGap = !document.URL.match(/^https?:/);
  if (window.isPhoneGap) {
    var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    var base = document.createElement('base')
    base.href = window.location.href;
<script src="components/cordova/cordova-2.6.0.js"></script>
<script src="components/jquery-mobile-angular-adapter-standalone.min.js"></script>
tbosch commented 11 years ago

Hi, this would be awesome. I created a docs folder and an initial empty phonegap.md document (https://github.com/tigbro/jquery-mobile-angular-adapter/blob/master/docs/phonegap.md). Please fork the adapter and create a pull request. I also created a link in the wiki home page to the document and described the overall workflow for adding pages to the wiki (https://github.com/tigbro/jquery-mobile-angular-adapter/wiki/How-to-contribute-to-the-wiki).

Would be awesome if you could post your experience there!

Thanks, Tobias

mlegenhausen commented 11 years ago

We build a bigger application based on phonegap some hints would be

  1. Bootstrap angular manually via:
document.addEventListener("deviceready", function() {
    angular.bootstrap(document.documentElement, ['app']);
}, false);

or follow the example from Brian Ford: http://briantford.com/blog/angular-phonegap.html

Note: The first example is currently not e2e testable with karma, but you don't have to bother with async loading of phonegap plugins.

  1. Disable html5Mode with
.config(function($locationProvider) {

and change the links to hash links.

regou commented 11 years ago

It's my first time combine jqm and angularjs. I found this,and it works pretty well on browser. but after online phoneGap building,the angular route not working at all. I tied app.config(function($locationProvider) { $locationProvider.html5Mode(false);}); $.support.cors=true; $.mobile.allowCrossDomainPages = true; but no progress...any help?

mlegenhausen commented 11 years ago

You have to setup the jquery mobile parameters before you load jqm.

Example add the following script before you load jquery.mobile.js:

$(document).bind("mobileinit", function() {
    // Setting default page and dialog transition to none
    $.mobile.defaultPageTransition = 'none';
    $.mobile.defaultDialogTransition = 'none';
    // PhoneGap Support options
    $.mobile.allowCrossDomainPages = true;
    $.support.cors = true;
    // DOM caching
    $.mobile.page.prototype.options.domCache = true;
regou commented 11 years ago

Hi mlegenhausen,thank you Still not working...And I discovered that if click the index.html file directly (not open by web root http://localhost) Same happend:angular route died....and Chrome console error: OPTIONS file:///F:/Dropbox/MyWeb/yunkoo/login.html Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. jquery-1.9.1.min.js:5 XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///F:/Dropbox/MyWeb/yunkoo/login.html. Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. I'm not sure if this is the same issue. I will try alert(location.origin) in an android testing app tomorow.

mlegenhausen commented 11 years ago

On you local desktop machine this is not allowed. This only works on PhoneGap. You can run Chrome without web security: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3102819/chrome-disable-same-origin-policy or host you side on a webserver (this is what I am doing). This is not optimal cause the file:// protokoll is another like http:// but it is working without modifications at your chrome.