opitzconsulting / jquery-mobile-angular-adapter

jquery mobile angular adapter
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Slider select not working correct with ng-options #207

Open MartineFrancken opened 11 years ago

MartineFrancken commented 11 years ago

I've tried using the selectfield in the following way:


If I set klantH on true, the slider will still be set on false (Nee). My goal is to have 'Ja' (true) as default when opening the page.

I am able to achieve this by using ng-options: <select id="sliderH" name='sliderH' data-role="slider" ng-model="klantH" ng-options="kh.label for kh in khOpties"> </select>

with $scope.khOpties = [ { label : 'Nee', value : false }, { label : 'Ja', value : true }] and $scope.klantH = $scope.khOpties[1];

It does set the right option in the slider, but I do lose a lot of mark-up. I don't see the labels and the color for the true-value isn't different from the false-value.

How can I set the slider on 'true' with the right rendering of slider?

tbosch commented 11 years ago

Hi, if you set klantH='true' this also works with <option>s. See this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/4AEQK/10/

Using ng-options seems to work correctly, as far as I can tell: http://jsfiddle.net/4AEQK/11/

Could you create a js fiddle that reproduces your problem?

Thanks, Tobias