opitzconsulting / uitest.js

uitest.js is able to load a webpage into a frame, instrument that page and the javascript in that page (e.g. add additional scripts at the end of the document, ...) and execute actions on that page.
MIT License
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Testacular tests: disconnect, failed, disonnect, ... (Chrome and Firefox) #1

Closed heiko-hardt closed 11 years ago

heiko-hardt commented 11 years ago

Hi Tobias,

i cloned your current master in my development-environment (Ubuntu 12.04) with current version of nodejs (v.0.8.19) and Testacular (v.0.4.0)

After starting the Tests (testacular start testacular.conf.js) the following errors occured:

Chrome (v.25.0.1364): testacular

Firefox (v.18.0.2) testacular-ff

This project looks verry promising. Would be great if you can help me.

Kind regards Heiko

heiko-hardt commented 11 years ago

Thinking it may be a port or host problem i tried it within a local environment. Started within IntelliJ looks like: testacular-03

Kind regards Heiko

heiko-hardt commented 11 years ago

Problem found: It would be necessary to setup the right proxy (at the same host). Thanks for this tool ;-)

Kind regards Heiko

tbosch commented 11 years ago

Hello Heiko, first, the timeouts in Chrome usually occur, when the chrome tab that is connected to testacular is not focused (i.e. you have multiple tabs open and one of them, but not the focued one, is connected to testacular).

Just updated to grunt 0.4.

To start testacular together with a server proxy, just do ./node_modules/.bin/grunt dev, which should automatically start a connect server, set up the proxy and then start testacular.
