opitzconsulting / uitest.js

uitest.js is able to load a webpage into a frame, instrument that page and the javascript in that page (e.g. add additional scripts at the end of the document, ...) and execute actions on that page.
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Missing history entry for initial url / problems with history.back() #19

Closed tbosch closed 11 years ago

tbosch commented 11 years ago

Hi, doing the following in a test reloads the whole test runner, i.e. it goes back one step too far in browser history:

        uit.url( "../test/ui/fixtures/empty.html");
        uit.runs(function(location, history) {
            initHref = location.href;
            location.hash = 'someHash';
        uit.runs(function(history) {

It seems as if loading the page does not create a history entry.