opitzconsulting / uitest.js

uitest.js is able to load a webpage into a frame, instrument that page and the javascript in that page (e.g. add additional scripts at the end of the document, ...) and execute actions on that page.
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Nokia Lumia 800 / WP7.8 IE9 timeout #21

Open heiko-hardt opened 11 years ago

heiko-hardt commented 11 years ago

Till the commit "29795f594774011eb1ccb08830591406eaff24ef" my Nokia Lumia 800 (Windows Phone 7.8 / IE9) runns into time out (timeout: timed out after 5000 msec waiting for uitest.ready)

One thing i have noticed: The first error message: BASIC -> encountered a declaration exception -> ReferenceError: 'testutil' is undefined

Would be great if you can take a look at it

Many Thanks in advance Heiko

tbosch commented 11 years ago

Hi, mmh, don't have a Nokia Lumia :-(

Could you paste a testpage and a test using this Plunk: http://plnkr.co/edit/rGCvTXINKVv4B4lqM6gv ?

Would help a lot...

Thanks, Tobias

heiko-hardt commented 11 years ago

Sure ... I will take a deeper look this evening, but windows phone is hard to debug :D

heiko-hardt commented 11 years ago

The problem occurs within your "UiSpecRunner.html".

heiko-hardt commented 11 years ago

Hi Tobias, testing your Plunk throws the following error at "var uit = uitest.current;" 'uitest' is undefined

heiko-hardt commented 11 years ago

Btw. I think this isn't a Nokia Problem. Im quite sure that it is a WP Problem ^^

heiko-hardt commented 11 years ago

The error 'uitest' is undefined only occurs if the "uitest.js" will be loaded by http(s). Loading uitest from local source results into the same error as defined ... timeout: timed out after ....

heiko-hardt commented 11 years ago

Hi Tobias, I have to finish now. I noticed that my device runs into an infinite loop at "run/ready" method "restart()" sensorStatus is always: count: 0, busySensors: [ 'load' ]

heiko-hardt commented 11 years ago

Ok .... last thing : currently I don't find run/config (file:loadSensor)

"uitest.define('run/loadSensor', ['run/ready', 'run/config'], function(readyModule, runConfig) {"

the following function will never be called:

    runConfig.appends.push(function(window, document) {
        window.debug('never called');
        win = window;
        doc = document;
        waitForDocComplete = true;

Maybe tomorrow, I'm tired now.

tbosch commented 11 years ago

Hi, haven't forgotten you, but I am doing a major refactoring, by which this issue could solve itself :-) Should be ready in the next week or so...


heiko-hardt commented 11 years ago

sounds great, thanks for your info.

There are some troubles with this device (nokia). There wouldn't be rendered something into the iframe. The (manualy) injected callbacks won't work too.

Maybe you can setup a public environment for testing and providing results of tested devices.

Kind regards Heiko