opitzconsulting / uitest.js

uitest.js is able to load a webpage into a frame, instrument that page and the javascript in that page (e.g. add additional scripts at the end of the document, ...) and execute actions on that page.
MIT License
67 stars 8 forks source link

IE9: hash problem #5

Closed heiko-hardt closed 11 years ago

heiko-hardt commented 11 years ago

Hi Tobias thanks for this great tool.

I got a problem requesting the following url:


Firefox and Chrome works well. IE9 crop the hash segment and request only "/base/test/e2e/fixtures/index.html?1362524735288".

would be great, if you can take a look at.

Kind regards Heiko

tbosch commented 11 years ago

Hello Heiko, thanks for submitting. Yes, I could verify this, even with IE10.
