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Firewall->Shaper->Rules not showing all pipes and queues in Target selection dropdown when creating new Rule #7499

Open denverpilot opened 3 weeks ago

denverpilot commented 3 weeks ago

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Describe the bug

Only attempted on 24.1.8 (so far)... In Firewall->Shaper->Rules... Rule creation doesn't show all Pipes and Queues that have been created and applied as options for Target.

What I see as the only option is the first Pipe added ONLY, the second Pipe and two Queues are not in the dropdown.

To Reproduce

Simplest way: Set up identical to the screenshots in this tutorial, once at "Rules" the only option available to add to Target will be the Download Pipe. The Upload Pipe, nor the Download or Upload Queues, will be available as selections.


Expected behavior

Should be able to see and select all Pipes and Queues as Targets in selection dropdown.

Describe alternatives you considered

Attempted a few things like altering the names of pipes and queues to "simple" names in case it's a parsing bug somewhere. Happy to provide any other details needed.


Can add if unclear. Setup is identical to the above tutorial other than different speeds on Pipes.

Relevant log files


Additional context



OpnSense 24.1.8 (amd64)

denverpilot commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm... apologies... more playing with this, it APPEARS that capital letters in Pipe and Queue names may have been the issue...? Quite odd...

Renaming everything in the example given to things like "up pipe" and "down pipe" and such, SEEMS to have allowed all options to show up in the Target dropdown.

I will play more tomorrow and see if I can reproduce.