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Unbound activated but not blocking #4052

Open T13nou opened 1 week ago

T13nou commented 1 week ago

Important notices Before you add a new report, we ask you kindly to acknowledge the following:

Describe the bug

I use Unbound for dns filtering on Ads & Malwares.

Unbound is enabled and Blocklist enabled too.

For this test, i've explicitly blocked tiktok.com domain. As you can see tiktok is marked as "Passed" in the Unbound report.



I've tested on explicit blacklist for this report to be clear.


To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Unbound, activate it, go to blocklist, activate it
  2. Block a domain in Blocklist Domains
  3. Domain is not blocked in Reporting > Unbound DNS

Expected behavior Block from blocklists & explicit blocklist domains

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Relevant log files If applicable, information from log files supporting your claim.

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Environment Software version used and hardware type if relevant. e.g.