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[Mainly UXW] Revisit classroom callout on the community library page. #88

Open seanlip opened 1 year ago

seanlip commented 1 year ago

Platform Oppia Web

Describe the request

On the community library page at https://www.oppia.org/community-library, there is a callout to the math classroom.

Screenshot from 2023-07-26 00-40-23

I'm not sure if the copy for this is quite right: it uses the word "course" (which I'm not sure we're using) and the second "sentence" is really a sentence fragment. So, filing this issue to get a UXW audit.

Context for the request

This is an existing feature that is for learners who are browsing the community library page.


For a design project to be completed, it needs approval from UXD, UXW, DS and PM. Please tag the following reviewers when your project is ready (at least one reviewer for each of the 4 bullet points below):

seanlip commented 1 year ago

Note: It is totally fine if the result of this project ends up being "no changes are needed". I just wanted to put it up for review since I don't think it's been looked at carefully from a design perspective yet.

stepmalt commented 8 months ago

Notes from the Community Library page, displaying all of the courses:

There’s a period missing after “magnetism” under the Electromagnetism lesson. This error repeats at the end of :

Pitch Perfect, What Is a Fraction, The Meaning of “Equal Parts”, Welcome To Oppia, 1-2 Intro to Python, 1-3 Installing Python, Hygiene and Disease, Matter, Get Electrified -1, Tree Identifying, vegetable egg omelette(which needs to be capitalized), HelloFraction(is this supposed to be one word?), English prepositions (that should be capitalized), They’re there, and their (should also be capitalized, Let’s Have Fun With Grammar, Overpopulation in India, Indian Contract law (law should be capitalized), Safeguarding training, Forms of Business org (also, why is this in all caps?). 
All of the above require a period at the end of the sentence describing the lesson.

Maths Quiz 2 - there’s an extra space between the last word and the exclamation point, also I think we should edit this copy here.

What are the Place Values — I wonder if we should remove ‘the’ from this?

Also, I think it would be more visually pleasing if we just moved to the next line when words are cut off. For example Pro-gramming, since it goes onto the next line. I think we should omit these and just move to the next line when we can. It looks much better than numerous broken up words throughout the lessons.

Also, we need to be consistent with the use of & or And — one needs to be chosen, and we need to to stick with this throughout all of the lesson titles.

“From” should be capitalized in Physics From Light

I am confused here about part 1. For example, Scientific Principles 1 — is this part 1 in the series? But then, I also see Concept of diseases (part 1). Are these both meant to represent part 1 or is it different? Also, diseases should be capitalized.

Also there is not consistency with how part is written, for example, “Carla Listens, Part II” and “Concept of diseases (part 1)”. Those are two different stylings.

This is some of what I noticed. I think this could benefit by the titles being looked at and all of the captions, because some of them could do with reworking. Additionally, where can users view the rest of the descriptions that are longer and end with a … ? Usually that’s meant to signify there’s a “read more” button, but I’m not seeing where users can view the rest of this. I also think if it cannot appear on that main page, it is too long. But as of now, I can’t even find the rest of the description. I’d think it would be under Lesson Info but it isn’t.

This is just some of what I noticed. I could give it another look down the line to tackle more. But this is a good start.

kmuir1991 commented 8 months ago

@seanlip based on @stepmalt 's comments above, does it make sense to assign a UXD to this so we can generate some mocks?

seanlip commented 8 months ago

Hi @stepmalt, I think you might be commenting on the wrong thing ... the lessons in the community library are created by the community and we don't have control over their titles and descriptions.

This issue is specifically meant for critique on the callout displayed in the image in the original issue description. Do you have any feedback on that in particular? Thanks!

tydesignit commented 8 months ago

Initial revision suggestion:

"Check out the first comprehensive course in the all-new Oppia Classroom! Curated lessons examined by educators where learners master math skills from various topics."


^ Revision may require some padding adjustments as I shortened the length of the copy in the second sentence.

Also, I believe course is the correct term in this context. I referred to the Content Style Guide in this section (Writing about Oppia).

stepmalt commented 8 months ago

Check out the first comprehensive course in the all-new Oppia Classroom! These curated lessons are examined by educators, giving users support to master math skills from various topics.

Check out the first comprehensive course in the all-new Oppia Classroom! These curated lessons, where learners master math skills, are examined by educators.

jikim322 commented 8 months ago

@kmuir1991 @tydesignit @stepmalt I wonder if we should discuss this during our meeting on Wednesday. Given the background info that Sean gave us about the difference between Oppia Classroom lessons and the community library, it could be confusing to include this callout so prominently on this page. I think it might make more sense to give a description of the community library and then have a less emphasized link to the Classroom.

stepmalt commented 7 months ago

@jikim322 I agree! That does seem confusing. Let's discuss during our meeting!

kmuir1991 commented 7 months ago

@seanlip assigning this one to Ji, who thinks a bit of an audit of this page would be beneficial. Just a heads up

jikim322 commented 7 months ago

@seanlip @kmuir1991 I've reviewed the current community page and made some notes/have some questions here: Figma file

Would love feedback/thoughts!

kmuir1991 commented 7 months ago

Thanks @jikim322 ! Left a few comments, but overall think your suggestions are great and make sense given the direction we're moving with our classroom + community library content.

seanlip commented 7 months ago

Thanks @jikim322, left some notes too!

jikim322 commented 7 months ago

@seanlip @kmuir1991 Made some updates to the page based on feedback!