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Fix #5404 : Migrate onBackPressed #5427

Open Tejas-67 opened 1 week ago

Tejas-67 commented 1 week ago


Fix #5404 For devices running on API 33 or above, onBackPressedDispatcher doesn't work, hence we need to use onBackInvokeDispatcher.

In the app:manifest, <application android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"/> has been added so that the onBackInvokedDispatcher works.

Essential Checklist

For UI-specific PRs only

If your PR includes UI-related changes, then:

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

APK & AAB differences analysis

Note that this is a summarized snapshot. See the CI artifacts for detailed differences.


Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 16 MiB (old), 16 MiB (new), **67 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 14 MiB (old), 14 MiB (new), **54 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 221791 (old), 221727 (new), **64** (Removed) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 6550 (old), 6492 (new), **58** (Removed) - Anim: 49 (old), 49 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 20 (old), 20 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 15 (old), 15 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 915 (old), 915 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 911 (old), 906 (new), **5** (Removed): - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_color (removed) - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_text_color (removed) - color/component_color_onboarding_shared_green_color (removed) - color/component_color_onboarding_shared_text_color (removed) - color/component_color_onboarding_shared_white_color (removed) - Dimen: 994 (old), 973 (new), **21** (Removed): - dimen/clickable_item_min_width (removed) - dimen/onboarding_profile_picture_padding (removed) - dimen/onboarding_profile_picture_stroke_width (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_corner_radius (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_elevation (removed) - And 16 others - Drawable: 373 (old), 370 (new), **3** (Removed): - drawable/dropdown_background (removed) - drawable/ic_language_icon_black_24dp (removed) - drawable/otter (removed) - Id: 1206 (old), 1193 (new), **13** (Removed): - id/onboarding_app_language_background (removed) - id/onboarding_app_language_image (removed) - id/onboarding_language_center_guide (removed) - id/onboarding_language_dropdown_background (removed) - id/onboarding_language_explanation (removed) - And 8 others - Integer: 37 (old), 37 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 368 (old), 365 (new), **3** (Removed): - layout/activity_color_binding_adapters_test (removed) - layout/color_binding_adapters_test_fragment (removed) - layout/onboarding_app_language_selection_fragment (removed) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - Raw: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 805 (old), 798 (new), **7** (Removed): - string/onboarding_language_activity_button_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_explanation_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_select_label (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_subtitle (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_text (removed) - And 2 others - Style: 816 (old), 810 (new), **6** (Removed): - style/OnboardingHeaderStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageExplanationStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLabelStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLetsGoButton (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageMessageStyle (removed) - And 1 other - Xml: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 15 MiB (old), 15 MiB (new), **66 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 14 MiB (old), 14 MiB (new), **57 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 221791 (old), 221727 (new), **64** (Removed) Resources: 6486 (old), 6428 (new), **58** (Removed) - Color: 911 (old), 906 (new), **5** (Removed) - Dimen: 990 (old), 969 (new), **21** (Removed) - Drawable: 314 (old), 311 (new), **3** (Removed) - Id: 1206 (old), 1193 (new), **13** (Removed) - Layout: 368 (old), 365 (new), **3** (Removed) - String: 805 (old), 798 (new), **7** (Removed) - Style: 816 (old), 810 (new), **6** (Removed) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 59 KiB (old), 59 KiB (new), **280 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 23 KiB (old), 23 KiB (new), **10 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 56 KiB (old), 56 KiB (new), **352 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 18 KiB (old), 18 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 53 KiB (old), 53 KiB (new), **288 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 18 KiB (old), 18 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 102 KiB (old), 102 KiB (new), **488 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 67 KiB (old), 67 KiB (new), **344 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 28 KiB (old), 28 KiB (new), **12 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 76 KiB (old), 76 KiB (new), **288 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **7 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 79 KiB (old), 78 KiB (new), **296 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 39 KiB (old), 39 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed)
## Alpha
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 10 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **67 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 9150 KiB (old), 9091 KiB (new), **58 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 99436 (old), 99376 (new), **60** (Removed) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5432 (new), **72** (Removed) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 755 (new), **12** (Removed): - color/color_def_black_25 (removed) - color/color_palette_button_shadow_color (removed) - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_color (removed) - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_text_color (removed) - color/color_palette_shared_black_background_color (removed) - And 7 others - Dimen: 722 (old), 703 (new), **19** (Removed): - dimen/clickable_item_min_width (removed) - dimen/mtrl_exposed_dropdown_menu_popup_vertical_offset (removed) - dimen/mtrl_textinput_box_corner_radius_small (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_corner_radius (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_elevation (removed) - And 14 others - Drawable: 333 (old), 330 (new), **3** (Removed): - drawable/ic_language_icon_black_24dp (removed) - drawable/otter (removed) - drawable/rounded_primary_button_grey_shadow_color (removed) - Id: 1148 (old), 1135 (new), **13** (Removed): - id/onboarding_app_language_background (removed) - id/onboarding_app_language_image (removed) - id/onboarding_language_center_guide (removed) - id/onboarding_language_dropdown_background (removed) - id/onboarding_language_explanation (removed) - And 8 others - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 324 (new), **3** (Removed): - layout/activity_color_binding_adapters_test (removed) - layout/color_binding_adapters_test_fragment (removed) - layout/onboarding_app_language_selection_fragment (removed) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 729 (new), **7** (Removed): - string/onboarding_language_activity_button_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_explanation_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_select_label (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_subtitle (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_text (removed) - And 2 others - Style: 457 (old), 442 (new), **15** (Removed): - style/Base.Widget.MaterialComponents.AutoCompleteTextView (removed) - style/OnboardingHeaderStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageExplanationStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLabelStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLetsGoButton (removed) - And 10 others - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **66 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 9030 KiB (old), 8977 KiB (new), **52 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 99436 (old), 99376 (new), **60** (Removed) Resources: 5447 (old), 5375 (new), **72** (Removed) - Color: 767 (old), 755 (new), **12** (Removed) - Dimen: 720 (old), 701 (new), **19** (Removed) - Drawable: 279 (old), 276 (new), **3** (Removed) - Id: 1148 (old), 1135 (new), **13** (Removed) - Layout: 327 (old), 324 (new), **3** (Removed) - String: 736 (old), 729 (new), **7** (Removed) - Style: 457 (old), 442 (new), **15** (Removed) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **204 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **15 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **336 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **6 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **208 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 89 KiB (new), **340 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **268 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 68 KiB (new), **208 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **212 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **7 bytes** (Removed)
## Beta
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **67 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 9135 KiB (old), 9080 KiB (new), **55 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 99436 (old), 99376 (new), **60** (Removed) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5432 (new), **72** (Removed) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 755 (new), **12** (Removed): - color/color_def_black_25 (removed) - color/color_palette_button_shadow_color (removed) - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_color (removed) - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_text_color (removed) - color/color_palette_shared_black_background_color (removed) - And 7 others - Dimen: 722 (old), 703 (new), **19** (Removed): - dimen/clickable_item_min_width (removed) - dimen/mtrl_exposed_dropdown_menu_popup_vertical_offset (removed) - dimen/mtrl_textinput_box_corner_radius_small (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_corner_radius (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_elevation (removed) - And 14 others - Drawable: 333 (old), 330 (new), **3** (Removed): - drawable/ic_language_icon_black_24dp (removed) - drawable/otter (removed) - drawable/rounded_primary_button_grey_shadow_color (removed) - Id: 1148 (old), 1135 (new), **13** (Removed): - id/onboarding_app_language_background (removed) - id/onboarding_app_language_image (removed) - id/onboarding_language_center_guide (removed) - id/onboarding_language_dropdown_background (removed) - id/onboarding_language_explanation (removed) - And 8 others - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 324 (new), **3** (Removed): - layout/activity_color_binding_adapters_test (removed) - layout/color_binding_adapters_test_fragment (removed) - layout/onboarding_app_language_selection_fragment (removed) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 729 (new), **7** (Removed): - string/onboarding_language_activity_button_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_explanation_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_select_label (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_subtitle (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_text (removed) - And 2 others - Style: 457 (old), 442 (new), **15** (Removed): - style/Base.Widget.MaterialComponents.AutoCompleteTextView (removed) - style/OnboardingHeaderStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageExplanationStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLabelStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLetsGoButton (removed) - And 10 others - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **66 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 9019 KiB (old), 8961 KiB (new), **58 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 99436 (old), 99376 (new), **60** (Removed) Resources: 5447 (old), 5375 (new), **72** (Removed) - Color: 767 (old), 755 (new), **12** (Removed) - Dimen: 720 (old), 701 (new), **19** (Removed) - Drawable: 279 (old), 276 (new), **3** (Removed) - Id: 1148 (old), 1135 (new), **13** (Removed) - Layout: 327 (old), 324 (new), **3** (Removed) - String: 736 (old), 729 (new), **7** (Removed) - Style: 457 (old), 442 (new), **15** (Removed) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **204 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **15 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **336 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **5 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **208 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **3 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 89 KiB (new), **340 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **268 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 68 KiB (new), **208 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **212 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **8 bytes** (Removed)
## Ga
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **67 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 9136 KiB (old), 9080 KiB (new), **55 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 99436 (old), 99376 (new), **60** (Removed) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5432 (new), **72** (Removed) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 755 (new), **12** (Removed): - color/color_def_black_25 (removed) - color/color_palette_button_shadow_color (removed) - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_color (removed) - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_text_color (removed) - color/color_palette_shared_black_background_color (removed) - And 7 others - Dimen: 722 (old), 703 (new), **19** (Removed): - dimen/clickable_item_min_width (removed) - dimen/mtrl_exposed_dropdown_menu_popup_vertical_offset (removed) - dimen/mtrl_textinput_box_corner_radius_small (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_corner_radius (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_elevation (removed) - And 14 others - Drawable: 333 (old), 330 (new), **3** (Removed): - drawable/ic_language_icon_black_24dp (removed) - drawable/otter (removed) - drawable/rounded_primary_button_grey_shadow_color (removed) - Id: 1148 (old), 1135 (new), **13** (Removed): - id/onboarding_app_language_background (removed) - id/onboarding_app_language_image (removed) - id/onboarding_language_center_guide (removed) - id/onboarding_language_dropdown_background (removed) - id/onboarding_language_explanation (removed) - And 8 others - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 324 (new), **3** (Removed): - layout/activity_color_binding_adapters_test (removed) - layout/color_binding_adapters_test_fragment (removed) - layout/onboarding_app_language_selection_fragment (removed) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 729 (new), **7** (Removed): - string/onboarding_language_activity_button_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_explanation_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_select_label (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_subtitle (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_text (removed) - And 2 others - Style: 457 (old), 442 (new), **15** (Removed): - style/Base.Widget.MaterialComponents.AutoCompleteTextView (removed) - style/OnboardingHeaderStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageExplanationStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLabelStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLetsGoButton (removed) - And 10 others - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **66 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 9020 KiB (old), 8962 KiB (new), **57 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 99436 (old), 99376 (new), **60** (Removed) Resources: 5447 (old), 5375 (new), **72** (Removed) - Color: 767 (old), 755 (new), **12** (Removed) - Dimen: 720 (old), 701 (new), **19** (Removed) - Drawable: 279 (old), 276 (new), **3** (Removed) - Id: 1148 (old), 1135 (new), **13** (Removed) - Layout: 327 (old), 324 (new), **3** (Removed) - String: 736 (old), 729 (new), **7** (Removed) - Style: 457 (old), 442 (new), **15** (Removed) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **204 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **15 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **336 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **5 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **208 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **5 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 89 KiB (new), **340 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **5 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **268 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 68 KiB (new), **208 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **212 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **7 bytes** (Removed)
Tejas-67 commented 1 week ago

@adhiamboperes please check. If this is alright then I would proceed with the others as well.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

APK & AAB differences analysis

Note that this is a summarized snapshot. See the CI artifacts for detailed differences.


Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 16 MiB (old), 16 MiB (new), **67 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 14 MiB (old), 14 MiB (new), **54 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 221791 (old), 221727 (new), **64** (Removed) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 6550 (old), 6492 (new), **58** (Removed) - Anim: 49 (old), 49 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 20 (old), 20 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 15 (old), 15 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 915 (old), 915 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 911 (old), 906 (new), **5** (Removed): - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_color (removed) - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_text_color (removed) - color/component_color_onboarding_shared_green_color (removed) - color/component_color_onboarding_shared_text_color (removed) - color/component_color_onboarding_shared_white_color (removed) - Dimen: 994 (old), 973 (new), **21** (Removed): - dimen/clickable_item_min_width (removed) - dimen/onboarding_profile_picture_padding (removed) - dimen/onboarding_profile_picture_stroke_width (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_corner_radius (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_elevation (removed) - And 16 others - Drawable: 373 (old), 370 (new), **3** (Removed): - drawable/dropdown_background (removed) - drawable/ic_language_icon_black_24dp (removed) - drawable/otter (removed) - Id: 1206 (old), 1193 (new), **13** (Removed): - id/onboarding_app_language_background (removed) - id/onboarding_app_language_image (removed) - id/onboarding_language_center_guide (removed) - id/onboarding_language_dropdown_background (removed) - id/onboarding_language_explanation (removed) - And 8 others - Integer: 37 (old), 37 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 368 (old), 365 (new), **3** (Removed): - layout/activity_color_binding_adapters_test (removed) - layout/color_binding_adapters_test_fragment (removed) - layout/onboarding_app_language_selection_fragment (removed) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - Raw: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 805 (old), 798 (new), **7** (Removed): - string/onboarding_language_activity_button_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_explanation_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_select_label (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_subtitle (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_text (removed) - And 2 others - Style: 816 (old), 810 (new), **6** (Removed): - style/OnboardingHeaderStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageExplanationStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLabelStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLetsGoButton (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageMessageStyle (removed) - And 1 other - Xml: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 15 MiB (old), 15 MiB (new), **66 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 14 MiB (old), 14 MiB (new), **57 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 221791 (old), 221727 (new), **64** (Removed) Resources: 6486 (old), 6428 (new), **58** (Removed) - Color: 911 (old), 906 (new), **5** (Removed) - Dimen: 990 (old), 969 (new), **21** (Removed) - Drawable: 314 (old), 311 (new), **3** (Removed) - Id: 1206 (old), 1193 (new), **13** (Removed) - Layout: 368 (old), 365 (new), **3** (Removed) - String: 805 (old), 798 (new), **7** (Removed) - Style: 816 (old), 810 (new), **6** (Removed) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 59 KiB (old), 59 KiB (new), **280 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 23 KiB (old), 23 KiB (new), **10 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 56 KiB (old), 56 KiB (new), **352 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 18 KiB (old), 18 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 53 KiB (old), 53 KiB (new), **288 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 18 KiB (old), 18 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 102 KiB (old), 102 KiB (new), **488 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 67 KiB (old), 67 KiB (new), **344 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 28 KiB (old), 28 KiB (new), **12 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 76 KiB (old), 76 KiB (new), **288 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **7 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 79 KiB (old), 78 KiB (new), **296 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 39 KiB (old), 39 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed)
## Alpha
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 10 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **67 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 9150 KiB (old), 9091 KiB (new), **58 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 99436 (old), 99376 (new), **60** (Removed) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5432 (new), **72** (Removed) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 755 (new), **12** (Removed): - color/color_def_black_25 (removed) - color/color_palette_button_shadow_color (removed) - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_color (removed) - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_text_color (removed) - color/color_palette_shared_black_background_color (removed) - And 7 others - Dimen: 722 (old), 703 (new), **19** (Removed): - dimen/clickable_item_min_width (removed) - dimen/mtrl_exposed_dropdown_menu_popup_vertical_offset (removed) - dimen/mtrl_textinput_box_corner_radius_small (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_corner_radius (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_elevation (removed) - And 14 others - Drawable: 333 (old), 330 (new), **3** (Removed): - drawable/ic_language_icon_black_24dp (removed) - drawable/otter (removed) - drawable/rounded_primary_button_grey_shadow_color (removed) - Id: 1148 (old), 1135 (new), **13** (Removed): - id/onboarding_app_language_background (removed) - id/onboarding_app_language_image (removed) - id/onboarding_language_center_guide (removed) - id/onboarding_language_dropdown_background (removed) - id/onboarding_language_explanation (removed) - And 8 others - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 324 (new), **3** (Removed): - layout/activity_color_binding_adapters_test (removed) - layout/color_binding_adapters_test_fragment (removed) - layout/onboarding_app_language_selection_fragment (removed) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 729 (new), **7** (Removed): - string/onboarding_language_activity_button_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_explanation_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_select_label (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_subtitle (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_text (removed) - And 2 others - Style: 457 (old), 442 (new), **15** (Removed): - style/Base.Widget.MaterialComponents.AutoCompleteTextView (removed) - style/OnboardingHeaderStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageExplanationStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLabelStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLetsGoButton (removed) - And 10 others - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **66 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 9030 KiB (old), 8977 KiB (new), **52 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 99436 (old), 99376 (new), **60** (Removed) Resources: 5447 (old), 5375 (new), **72** (Removed) - Color: 767 (old), 755 (new), **12** (Removed) - Dimen: 720 (old), 701 (new), **19** (Removed) - Drawable: 279 (old), 276 (new), **3** (Removed) - Id: 1148 (old), 1135 (new), **13** (Removed) - Layout: 327 (old), 324 (new), **3** (Removed) - String: 736 (old), 729 (new), **7** (Removed) - Style: 457 (old), 442 (new), **15** (Removed) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **204 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **15 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **336 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **6 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **208 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 89 KiB (new), **340 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **268 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 68 KiB (new), **208 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **212 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **7 bytes** (Removed)
## Beta
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **67 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 9135 KiB (old), 9080 KiB (new), **55 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 99436 (old), 99376 (new), **60** (Removed) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5432 (new), **72** (Removed) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 755 (new), **12** (Removed): - color/color_def_black_25 (removed) - color/color_palette_button_shadow_color (removed) - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_color (removed) - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_text_color (removed) - color/color_palette_shared_black_background_color (removed) - And 7 others - Dimen: 722 (old), 703 (new), **19** (Removed): - dimen/clickable_item_min_width (removed) - dimen/mtrl_exposed_dropdown_menu_popup_vertical_offset (removed) - dimen/mtrl_textinput_box_corner_radius_small (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_corner_radius (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_elevation (removed) - And 14 others - Drawable: 333 (old), 330 (new), **3** (Removed): - drawable/ic_language_icon_black_24dp (removed) - drawable/otter (removed) - drawable/rounded_primary_button_grey_shadow_color (removed) - Id: 1148 (old), 1135 (new), **13** (Removed): - id/onboarding_app_language_background (removed) - id/onboarding_app_language_image (removed) - id/onboarding_language_center_guide (removed) - id/onboarding_language_dropdown_background (removed) - id/onboarding_language_explanation (removed) - And 8 others - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 324 (new), **3** (Removed): - layout/activity_color_binding_adapters_test (removed) - layout/color_binding_adapters_test_fragment (removed) - layout/onboarding_app_language_selection_fragment (removed) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 729 (new), **7** (Removed): - string/onboarding_language_activity_button_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_explanation_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_select_label (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_subtitle (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_text (removed) - And 2 others - Style: 457 (old), 442 (new), **15** (Removed): - style/Base.Widget.MaterialComponents.AutoCompleteTextView (removed) - style/OnboardingHeaderStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageExplanationStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLabelStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLetsGoButton (removed) - And 10 others - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **66 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 9019 KiB (old), 8961 KiB (new), **58 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 99436 (old), 99376 (new), **60** (Removed) Resources: 5447 (old), 5375 (new), **72** (Removed) - Color: 767 (old), 755 (new), **12** (Removed) - Dimen: 720 (old), 701 (new), **19** (Removed) - Drawable: 279 (old), 276 (new), **3** (Removed) - Id: 1148 (old), 1135 (new), **13** (Removed) - Layout: 327 (old), 324 (new), **3** (Removed) - String: 736 (old), 729 (new), **7** (Removed) - Style: 457 (old), 442 (new), **15** (Removed) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **204 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **15 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **336 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **5 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **208 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **3 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 89 KiB (new), **340 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **268 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 68 KiB (new), **208 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **212 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **8 bytes** (Removed)
## Ga
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **67 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 9136 KiB (old), 9080 KiB (new), **55 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 99436 (old), 99376 (new), **60** (Removed) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5432 (new), **72** (Removed) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 755 (new), **12** (Removed): - color/color_def_black_25 (removed) - color/color_palette_button_shadow_color (removed) - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_color (removed) - color/color_palette_onboarding_primary_text_color (removed) - color/color_palette_shared_black_background_color (removed) - And 7 others - Dimen: 722 (old), 703 (new), **19** (Removed): - dimen/clickable_item_min_width (removed) - dimen/mtrl_exposed_dropdown_menu_popup_vertical_offset (removed) - dimen/mtrl_textinput_box_corner_radius_small (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_corner_radius (removed) - dimen/onboarding_shared_elevation (removed) - And 14 others - Drawable: 333 (old), 330 (new), **3** (Removed): - drawable/ic_language_icon_black_24dp (removed) - drawable/otter (removed) - drawable/rounded_primary_button_grey_shadow_color (removed) - Id: 1148 (old), 1135 (new), **13** (Removed): - id/onboarding_app_language_background (removed) - id/onboarding_app_language_image (removed) - id/onboarding_language_center_guide (removed) - id/onboarding_language_dropdown_background (removed) - id/onboarding_language_explanation (removed) - And 8 others - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 324 (new), **3** (Removed): - layout/activity_color_binding_adapters_test (removed) - layout/color_binding_adapters_test_fragment (removed) - layout/onboarding_app_language_selection_fragment (removed) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 729 (new), **7** (Removed): - string/onboarding_language_activity_button_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_explanation_text (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_select_label (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_subtitle (removed) - string/onboarding_language_activity_text (removed) - And 2 others - Style: 457 (old), 442 (new), **15** (Removed): - style/Base.Widget.MaterialComponents.AutoCompleteTextView (removed) - style/OnboardingHeaderStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageExplanationStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLabelStyle (removed) - style/OnboardingLanguageLetsGoButton (removed) - And 10 others - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **66 KiB** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 9020 KiB (old), 8962 KiB (new), **57 KiB** (Removed) Method count: 99436 (old), 99376 (new), **60** (Removed) Resources: 5447 (old), 5375 (new), **72** (Removed) - Color: 767 (old), 755 (new), **12** (Removed) - Dimen: 720 (old), 701 (new), **19** (Removed) - Drawable: 279 (old), 276 (new), **3** (Removed) - Id: 1148 (old), 1135 (new), **13** (Removed) - Layout: 327 (old), 324 (new), **3** (Removed) - String: 736 (old), 729 (new), **7** (Removed) - Style: 457 (old), 442 (new), **15** (Removed) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **204 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **15 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **336 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **5 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **208 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **5 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 89 KiB (new), **340 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **5 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **268 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 68 KiB (new), **208 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **212 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **7 bytes** (Removed)
oppiabot[bot] commented 1 week ago

Unassigning @adhiamboperes since the review is done.

oppiabot[bot] commented 1 week ago

Hi @Tejas-67, it looks like some changes were requested on this pull request by @adhiamboperes. PTAL. Thanks!

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

APK & AAB differences analysis

Note that this is a summarized snapshot. See the CI artifacts for detailed differences.


Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 16 MiB (old), 16 MiB (new), **1116 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 14 MiB (old), 14 MiB (new), **640 bytes** (Added) Method count: 221791 (old), 221811 (new), **20** (Added) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 6550 (old), 6550 (new), **0** (No change) - Anim: 49 (old), 49 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 20 (old), 20 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 15 (old), 15 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 915 (old), 915 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 911 (old), 911 (new), **0** (No change) - Dimen: 994 (old), 994 (new), **0** (No change) - Drawable: 373 (old), 373 (new), **0** (No change) - Id: 1206 (old), 1206 (new), **0** (No change) - Integer: 37 (old), 37 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 368 (old), 368 (new), **0** (No change) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - Raw: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 805 (old), 805 (new), **0** (No change) - Style: 816 (old), 816 (new), **0** (No change) - Xml: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 15 MiB (old), 15 MiB (new), **1120 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 14 MiB (old), 14 MiB (new), **3236 bytes** (Added) Method count: 221791 (old), 221811 (new), **20** (Added) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 59 KiB (old), 59 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 23 KiB (old), 23 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 56 KiB (old), 56 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 18 KiB (old), 18 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 53 KiB (old), 53 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 18 KiB (old), 18 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 102 KiB (old), 102 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 67 KiB (old), 67 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 28 KiB (old), 28 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 76 KiB (old), 76 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 79 KiB (old), 79 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 39 KiB (old), 39 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change)
## Alpha
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 10 MiB (old), 10 MiB (new), **788 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9150 KiB (old), 9151 KiB (new), **947 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99450 (new), **14** (Added) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5504 (new), **0** (No change) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 767 (new), **0** (No change) - Dimen: 722 (old), 722 (new), **0** (No change) - Drawable: 333 (old), 333 (new), **0** (No change) - Id: 1148 (old), 1148 (new), **0** (No change) - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 327 (new), **0** (No change) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 736 (new), **0** (No change) - Style: 457 (old), 457 (new), **0** (No change) - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **788 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9030 KiB (old), 9031 KiB (new), **1025 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99450 (new), **14** (Added) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 90 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 69 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change)
## Beta
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **796 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9135 KiB (old), 9136 KiB (new), **431 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99450 (new), **14** (Added) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5504 (new), **0** (No change) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 767 (new), **0** (No change) - Dimen: 722 (old), 722 (new), **0** (No change) - Drawable: 333 (old), 333 (new), **0** (No change) - Id: 1148 (old), 1148 (new), **0** (No change) - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 327 (new), **0** (No change) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 736 (new), **0** (No change) - Style: 457 (old), 457 (new), **0** (No change) - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **796 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9019 KiB (old), 9020 KiB (new), **410 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99450 (new), **14** (Added) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 90 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 69 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change)
## Ga
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **776 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9136 KiB (old), 9137 KiB (new), **1291 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99450 (new), **14** (Added) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5504 (new), **0** (No change) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 767 (new), **0** (No change) - Dimen: 722 (old), 722 (new), **0** (No change) - Drawable: 333 (old), 333 (new), **0** (No change) - Id: 1148 (old), 1148 (new), **0** (No change) - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 327 (new), **0** (No change) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 736 (new), **0** (No change) - Style: 457 (old), 457 (new), **0** (No change) - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **780 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9020 KiB (old), 9020 KiB (new), **857 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99450 (new), **14** (Added) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 90 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 69 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change)
github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

APK & AAB differences analysis

Note that this is a summarized snapshot. See the CI artifacts for detailed differences.


Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 16 MiB (old), 16 MiB (new), **2052 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 14 MiB (old), 14 MiB (new), **1323 bytes** (Added) Method count: 221791 (old), 221842 (new), **51** (Added) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 6550 (old), 6550 (new), **0** (No change) - Anim: 49 (old), 49 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 20 (old), 20 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 15 (old), 15 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 915 (old), 915 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 911 (old), 911 (new), **0** (No change) - Dimen: 994 (old), 994 (new), **0** (No change) - Drawable: 373 (old), 373 (new), **0** (No change) - Id: 1206 (old), 1206 (new), **0** (No change) - Integer: 37 (old), 37 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 368 (old), 368 (new), **0** (No change) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - Raw: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 805 (old), 805 (new), **0** (No change) - Style: 816 (old), 816 (new), **0** (No change) - Xml: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 15 MiB (old), 15 MiB (new), **2056 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 14 MiB (old), 14 MiB (new), **3765 bytes** (Added) Method count: 221791 (old), 221842 (new), **51** (Added) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 59 KiB (old), 59 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 23 KiB (old), 23 KiB (new), **9 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 56 KiB (old), 56 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 18 KiB (old), 18 KiB (new), **7 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 53 KiB (old), 53 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 18 KiB (old), 18 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 102 KiB (old), 102 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **2 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 67 KiB (old), 67 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 28 KiB (old), 28 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 76 KiB (old), 76 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **7 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 79 KiB (old), 79 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 39 KiB (old), 39 KiB (new), **5 bytes** (Added)
## Alpha
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 10 MiB (old), 10 MiB (new), **2044 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9150 KiB (old), 9151 KiB (new), **1398 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99474 (new), **38** (Added) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5504 (new), **0** (No change) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 767 (new), **0** (No change) - Dimen: 722 (old), 722 (new), **0** (No change) - Drawable: 333 (old), 333 (new), **0** (No change) - Id: 1148 (old), 1148 (new), **0** (No change) - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 327 (new), **0** (No change) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 736 (new), **0** (No change) - Style: 457 (old), 457 (new), **0** (No change) - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **2044 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9030 KiB (old), 9032 KiB (new), **1935 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99474 (new), **38** (Added) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **2 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **2 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 90 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **7 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 69 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed)
## Beta
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **1956 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9135 KiB (old), 9137 KiB (new), **2031 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99474 (new), **38** (Added) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5504 (new), **0** (No change) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 767 (new), **0** (No change) - Dimen: 722 (old), 722 (new), **0** (No change) - Drawable: 333 (old), 333 (new), **0** (No change) - Id: 1148 (old), 1148 (new), **0** (No change) - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 327 (new), **0** (No change) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 736 (new), **0** (No change) - Style: 457 (old), 457 (new), **0** (No change) - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **1956 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9019 KiB (old), 9021 KiB (new), **1476 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99474 (new), **38** (Added) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 90 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **8 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 69 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **3 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed)
## Ga
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **1924 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9136 KiB (old), 9136 KiB (new), **794 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99474 (new), **38** (Added) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5504 (new), **0** (No change) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 767 (new), **0** (No change) - Dimen: 722 (old), 722 (new), **0** (No change) - Drawable: 333 (old), 333 (new), **0** (No change) - Id: 1148 (old), 1148 (new), **0** (No change) - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 327 (new), **0** (No change) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 736 (new), **0** (No change) - Style: 457 (old), 457 (new), **0** (No change) - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **1932 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9020 KiB (old), 9020 KiB (new), **701 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99474 (new), **38** (Added) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **2 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **3 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 90 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **7 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 69 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **5 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change)
github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

APK & AAB differences analysis

Note that this is a summarized snapshot. See the CI artifacts for detailed differences.


Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 16 MiB (old), 16 MiB (new), **2052 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 14 MiB (old), 14 MiB (new), **1323 bytes** (Added) Method count: 221791 (old), 221842 (new), **51** (Added) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 6550 (old), 6550 (new), **0** (No change) - Anim: 49 (old), 49 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 20 (old), 20 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 15 (old), 15 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 915 (old), 915 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 911 (old), 911 (new), **0** (No change) - Dimen: 994 (old), 994 (new), **0** (No change) - Drawable: 373 (old), 373 (new), **0** (No change) - Id: 1206 (old), 1206 (new), **0** (No change) - Integer: 37 (old), 37 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 368 (old), 368 (new), **0** (No change) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - Raw: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 805 (old), 805 (new), **0** (No change) - Style: 816 (old), 816 (new), **0** (No change) - Xml: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 15 MiB (old), 15 MiB (new), **2056 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 14 MiB (old), 14 MiB (new), **3765 bytes** (Added) Method count: 221791 (old), 221842 (new), **51** (Added) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 59 KiB (old), 59 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 23 KiB (old), 23 KiB (new), **9 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 56 KiB (old), 56 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 18 KiB (old), 18 KiB (new), **7 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 53 KiB (old), 53 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 18 KiB (old), 18 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 102 KiB (old), 102 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **2 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 67 KiB (old), 67 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 28 KiB (old), 28 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 76 KiB (old), 76 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **7 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 79 KiB (old), 79 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 39 KiB (old), 39 KiB (new), **5 bytes** (Added)
## Alpha
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 10 MiB (old), 10 MiB (new), **2044 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9150 KiB (old), 9151 KiB (new), **1398 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99474 (new), **38** (Added) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5504 (new), **0** (No change) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 767 (new), **0** (No change) - Dimen: 722 (old), 722 (new), **0** (No change) - Drawable: 333 (old), 333 (new), **0** (No change) - Id: 1148 (old), 1148 (new), **0** (No change) - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 327 (new), **0** (No change) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 736 (new), **0** (No change) - Style: 457 (old), 457 (new), **0** (No change) - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **2044 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9030 KiB (old), 9032 KiB (new), **1935 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99474 (new), **38** (Added) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **2 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **2 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 90 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **7 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 69 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed)
## Beta
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **1956 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9135 KiB (old), 9137 KiB (new), **2031 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99474 (new), **38** (Added) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5504 (new), **0** (No change) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 767 (new), **0** (No change) - Dimen: 722 (old), 722 (new), **0** (No change) - Drawable: 333 (old), 333 (new), **0** (No change) - Id: 1148 (old), 1148 (new), **0** (No change) - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 327 (new), **0** (No change) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 736 (new), **0** (No change) - Style: 457 (old), 457 (new), **0** (No change) - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **1956 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9019 KiB (old), 9021 KiB (new), **1476 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99474 (new), **38** (Added) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 90 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **8 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 69 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **3 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed)
## Ga
Expand to see flavor specifics ### Universal APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **1924 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9136 KiB (old), 9136 KiB (new), **794 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99474 (new), **38** (Added) Features: 2 (old), 2 (new), **0** (No change) Permissions: 6 (old), 6 (new), **0** (No change) Resources: 5504 (old), 5504 (new), **0** (No change) - Anim: 39 (old), 39 (new), **0** (No change) - Animator: 18 (old), 18 (new), **0** (No change) - Array: 14 (old), 14 (new), **0** (No change) - Attr: 879 (old), 879 (new), **0** (No change) - Bool: 8 (old), 8 (new), **0** (No change) - Color: 767 (old), 767 (new), **0** (No change) - Dimen: 722 (old), 722 (new), **0** (No change) - Drawable: 333 (old), 333 (new), **0** (No change) - Id: 1148 (old), 1148 (new), **0** (No change) - Integer: 32 (old), 32 (new), **0** (No change) - Interpolator: 11 (old), 11 (new), **0** (No change) - Layout: 327 (old), 327 (new), **0** (No change) - Menu: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Mipmap: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) - Plurals: 10 (old), 10 (new), **0** (No change) - String: 736 (old), 736 (new), **0** (No change) - Style: 457 (old), 457 (new), **0** (No change) - Xml: 1 (old), 1 (new), **0** (No change) Lesson assets: 105 (old), 105 (new), **0** (No change) ### AAB differences
Expand to see AAB specifics Supported configurations: - hdpi (same) - ldpi (same) - mdpi (same) - tvdpi (same) - xhdpi (same) - xxhdpi (same) - xxxhdpi (same) #### Base APK APK file size: 9 MiB (old), 9 MiB (new), **1932 bytes** (Added) APK download size (estimated): 9020 KiB (old), 9020 KiB (new), **701 bytes** (Added) Method count: 99436 (old), 99474 (new), **38** (Added) #### Configuration hdpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 22 KiB (old), 22 KiB (new), **2 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration ldpi APK file size: 52 KiB (old), 52 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **3 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration mdpi APK file size: 46 KiB (old), 46 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 17 KiB (old), 17 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration tvdpi APK file size: 90 KiB (old), 90 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **7 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xhdpi APK file size: 60 KiB (old), 60 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 27 KiB (old), 27 KiB (new), **1 bytes** (Removed) #### Configuration xxhdpi APK file size: 69 KiB (old), 69 KiB (new), **4 bytes** (Removed) APK download size (estimated): 37 KiB (old), 37 KiB (new), **5 bytes** (Added) #### Configuration xxxhdpi APK file size: 71 KiB (old), 71 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change) APK download size (estimated): 38 KiB (old), 38 KiB (new), **0 bytes** (No change)
Tejas-67 commented 3 days ago

hey @adhiamboperes, I have migrated the activities, but facing problem in the WalkthroughFinalFragmentPresenter. Even after setting up the onBackPressedDispatcher in the WalkthroughFinalActivity, I am unable to get the reference of the onBackPressedDispatcher in the Presenter. how can i fix this?

adhiamboperes commented 3 days ago

hey @adhiamboperes, I have migrated the activities, but facing problem in the WalkthroughFinalFragmentPresenter. Even after setting up the onBackPressedDispatcher in the WalkthroughFinalActivity, I am unable to get the reference of the onBackPressedDispatcher in the Presenter. how can i fix this?

Could you please share a screenshot of your implementation so that I can understand your issue better?