opral / inlang-fink

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add supported i18n libraries to fink product page #22

Closed samuelstroschein closed 1 month ago

samuelstroschein commented 1 month ago

@samuel.stroschein said in SHERL-47:

this will be helpful for fink too, see https://discord.com/channels/897438559458430986/1084866774874468433/1242165023779061881

NiklasBuchfink commented 1 month ago

I will add a table to the "Get started". This makes it easy to find out whether the i18n library is supported and which plugin to use.

NiklasBuchfink commented 1 month ago

Related commit: https://github.com/opral/monorepo/commit/989df304b69fc8cec736dcc862922481b3e355d7

samuelstroschein commented 1 month ago

btw does createNewProject() already exists? If so, you can remove the create a folder and file stuff from the getting started. Actually, i don't think you need docs for getting started at all anymore.

Regardless, I recommend a supported i18n libraries page because ppl adopting fink are asking "does this work with i18next" etc

NiklasBuchfink commented 1 month ago

It exists, it's just not implemented yet. The best would be to select the library import or export within Fink.

I have the same feeling. It is such a simple app and the UI should be self-explanatory, including a getting started section.

Regardless, I recommend a supported i18n libraries page because ppl adopting fink are asking "does this work with i18next" etc

I make a section with the logos of Paraglide JS, i18next and next-intl and add the disclaimer "and other JSON-based i18n libraries".

NiklasBuchfink commented 1 month ago

Section is online ✅
Would have been great to center the text below, but it doesn't work with the feature section nor pure HTML. I think it works for now.

samuelstroschein commented 1 month ago

@niklas.buchfink i would link to the plugins. else you get the question "how can i make fink work with i18next?"

NiklasBuchfink commented 1 month ago

I added two more sentences that link to the plugins and the getting started with the table

samuelstroschein commented 1 month ago

@niklas.buchfink i couldn't find which plugins your support because i wouldn't search in "getting started" to find before i get started if a plugin exits.

i propose to add a new section "supported i18n libraries" and just link to the plugins

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samuelstroschein commented 1 month ago

i also recommend to remove the getting started. there is no valuable information in there:

NiklasBuchfink commented 1 month ago

Just out of interest, did you write that before the sentences below were live? The website deployment only runs if something changes in the website folder, so maybe it wasn't live.


Anyway, I agree that the product page of Fink needs to check all the boxes like library compatibility.

The onboarding should be done in app:

  1. getting started by createProject
  2. select import/export (plugins)
  3. install lint rules

How would you install lint rules in-app?
The settings component can't do it yet and apps can't list the available lint rules without opening inlang.com.

samuelstroschein commented 1 month ago

How would you install lint rules in-app? The settings component can't do it yet and apps can't list the available lint rules without opening inlang.com.

Either via the settings component, or a new shared `` component