opral / inlang-message-sdk

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sdk api for MessageBundle with variants #45

Open jldec opened 1 month ago

jldec commented 1 month ago


The current MessageQueryApi operates on Message objects.

export type MessageQueryApi = {
    create: (args: { data: Message }) => boolean
    get: ((args: { where: { id: Message["id"] } }) => Readonly<Message>) & {
        subscribe: (
            args: { where: { id: Message["id"] } },
            callback: (message: Message) => void
        ) => void
    // use getByDefaultAlias() to resolve a message from its alias, not subscribable
    getByDefaultAlias: ((alias: Message["alias"]["default"]) => Readonly<Message>) & {
        subscribe: (alias: Message["alias"]["default"], callback: (message: Message) => void) => void
    includedMessageIds: Subscribable<Message["id"][]>
     * getAll is deprecated do not use it
    getAll: Subscribable<Readonly<Message[]>>
    update: (args: { where: { id: Message["id"] }; data: Partial<Message> }) => boolean
    upsert: (args: { where: { id: Message["id"] }; data: Message }) => void
    delete: (args: { where: { id: Message["id"] } }) => boolean

☝️ is exposed as project.query.messages in the InlangProject api

export type InlangProject = {
//  ....
    query: {
        messages: MessageQueryApi
        messageLintReports: MessageLintReportsQueryApi


From MESDK-77

after introducing UUIDs for variants / we will have to expose a project.query.variant.* next to project.query.messageBundle.* and project.query.message.*.

The comment above suggests a new MessageBundleQueryApi for apps to operate directly on the MessageBundle structure.

@samuel.stroschein @martin.lysk1
Given our experience with MessageQueryApi, do you think this proposal the right approach to use at this time?

jldec commented 1 month ago

Related serializability comment from @jan.johannes


samuelstroschein commented 1 month ago

Yes, we will need a new query api. Given that every API is changing, I propose to

  1. introduce project.query2.* APIs for the feature flag
  2. keeping project.query.* for backwards compatibility during the feature flag
  3. Remove project.query.* and rename query2 to query when persistency etc is nearing GA and release the sdk under a new major version


jldec commented 1 month ago


I like the query2.* idea for the feature flagged api