opral / inlang-message-sdk

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Requirements for lint rule scheduling #69

Open jldec opened 1 month ago

jldec commented 1 month ago

Lint rules are scheduled and evaluated by the sdk.

This issue aims to capture the requirements for a lint report scheduler such that lint reports behave nicely (don't overwhelm the CPU or hog the event loop) while still meeting expectations of delivering correct and up-to-date reports.

additional context in:


  1. Don't schedule or run lint reports if apps don't ask for them E.g. paraglide-js or the maching translate cli.
  2. Don't re-run lint reports for every change. E.g. when the are many changes in a short time the effects of those changes on lint reports should be batched or throttled, instead of being naively accumulated and queued.
  3. Don't assume that all lint reports need to be stored in memory. Since lint reports are secondary (derived) state, they can be re-evaluated on demand if necessary insead of being treated like primary data.
  4. Q: should all lint rules be treated the same way, or are some higher prioity than others?

cc: @martin.lysk1 (please comment in the main GH thread)

martin-lysk commented 1 month ago
  1. Don't schedule or run lint reports if apps don't ask for them E.g. paraglide-js or the maching translate cli.
  1. Don't re-run lint reports for every change. E.g. when the are many changes in a short time the effects of those changes on lint reports should be batched or throttled, instead of being naively accumulated and queued.
  1. Don't assume that all lint reports need to be stored in memory. Since lint reports are secondary (derived) state, they can be re-evaluated on demand if necessary insead of being treated like primary data.
   * // <-- actual set of messages
from message 
    where messageId in (
        messageId // <-- reactive list of reports producing messages that match
      from reportsView  
       where lintRuleId = 'dublicated-pattern'

While we won't store the report results we will need to have there state in memory to keep track of the signals/events we need to trigger.

  1. Q: should all lint rules be treated the same way, or are some higher prioity than others?