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agreeing on scalability requirements #97

Open samuelstroschein opened 1 week ago

samuelstroschein commented 1 week ago


We should agree what scalability requirements that we use to design inlang for over the next 12 months.


Agree on number of messages we use in performance testing.

cc @martin.lysk1 @jldec

Additional information

samuelstroschein commented 1 week ago

We can go multiple routes:

  1. Design for enterprise scale (more than 500 inlang users in one project)
  2. Design for SMB scale (50-500 inlang users in one project)
  3. Design for small org scale like cal.com (<50 inlang users)

Big question: What are the numbers for the three options?

  1. ??? no data
  2. Upper boundary prob 250k messages
    - swiss telco company has 60k messages for an internal dashboard
    - gaming company has 120k messages with confirmed 100 potential users in parrot (alone, not accounting for other inlang apps)
  3. upper boundary prob 100k messages
    - cal.com has ≈70-80k messages
    - remnote.com has 5500 messages (https://fink.inlang.com/github.com/remnoteio/translation; don't get confused by the message count atm. it counts message bundles, not messages)

My take

Intuitively, I would go for SMB to unblock monetization and larger scale usage but don't get slowed down today by designing for enterprise.