Closed mschmdb closed 1 year ago
@mschmdb can you please build your application locally and share a screenshot of the code that throws the error? What node version are you using locally and what on vercel?
EDIT: Ah, ok I see. I have some Type Errors on /account/+page.server.ts. Will first try to solve them. @ivanhofer sure. node local: node v20.2.0 (npm v9.6.6) node vercel: 18.x
Ok @ivanhofer type errors from the mentioned page are removed. This is the error I now get when calling the route /account on localhost:
Internal server error: did not recognize object of type "TSSatisfiesExpression"
Plugin: vite-plugin-inlang-sdk-js-sveltekit
File: /Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/src/routes/account/+page.server.ts
at (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:6:16430)
at jd (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:74:1117)
at jd (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:74:1197)
at Rd (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:74:1251)
at Rd (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:74:1390)
at Rd (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:74:1390)
at file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:74:1715
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Ud (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:74:1681)
at eo (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:78:1380) (x3)
Error: did not recognize object of type "TSSatisfiesExpression"
at (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:6:16430)
at jd (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:74:1117)
at jd (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:74:1197)
at Rd (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:74:1251)
at Rd (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:74:1390)
at Rd (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:74:1390)
at file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:74:1715
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Ud (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:74:1681)
at eo (file:///Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/node_modules/@inlang/sdk-js/dist/adapter-sveltekit/index.js:78:1380) {
plugin: 'vite-plugin-inlang-sdk-js-sveltekit',
id: '/Users/matthiasschmidbauer/Sites/sv-sb-patscen-auth-2023-04/src/routes/account/+page.server.ts',
pluginCode: "import { fail, redirect } from '@sveltejs/kit';\n" +
"import type { Actions, PageServerLoad } from './$types';\n" +
"import { supabaseClient } from '$lib/supabase';\n" +
"import { deleteUser } from '$lib/supabaseAdmin';\n" +
'\n' +
'\n' +
'export const load = (async ({ locals: { supabase, getSession } }) => {\n' +
' const session = await getSession();\n' +
'\n' +
' if (!session) {\n' +
" throw redirect(303, '/');\n" +
' }\n' +
'\n' +
' const { data: profile } = await supabaseClient\n' +
" .from('profiles')\n" +
" .select('firstname, lastname, email, company, newsletter')\n" +
" .eq('id',\n" +
' .limit(1)\n' +
' .single()\n' +
' \n' +
' console.log(\n' +
' console.log(JSON.stringify(profile))\n' +
' return { session, profile };\n' +
'}) satisfies PageServerLoad;\n' +
'\n' +
'export const actions = {\n' +
' update: async ({ request, locals: { sb, getSession } }) => {\n' +
' const formData = await request.formData();\n' +
" const firstname = formData.get('firstname') as string;\n" +
" const lastname = formData.get('lastname') as string;\n" +
" const email = formData.get('email') as string;\n" +
" const company = formData.get('company') as string;\n" +
" const newsletter = formData.get('newsletter') === 'on' ? true : false;\n" +
' console.log("firstnamefrom form", firstname)\n' +
' console.log("newletterfrom form", newsletter)\n' +
' const session = await getSession();\n' +
'\n' +
" const { error } = await sb.from('profiles').upsert({\n" +
' id: session?,\n' +
' firstname: firstname,\n' +
' lastname,\n' +
' newsletter,\n' +
' company,\n' +
'\n' +
' updated_at: new Date()\n' +
' });\n' +
' console.log("error", error)\n' +
' if (error) {\n' +
' return fail(500, {\n' +
' firstname,\n' +
' lastname,\n' +
' email,\n' +
' company,\n' +
' newsletter\n' +
'\n' +
' });\n' +
' }\n' +
' console.log("firstname", firstname)\n' +
' return {\n' +
' firstname,\n' +
' lastname,\n' +
' email,\n' +
' company,\n' +
' newsletter,\n' +
' success: true\n' +
' };\n' +
' },\n' +
' signout: async ({ locals: { sb, getSession } }) => {\n' +
' const session = await getSession();\n' +
' if (session) {\n' +
' console.log("signout")\n' +
' await sb.auth.signOut();\n' +
" throw redirect(303, '/');\n" +
" // goto ('/');\n" +
' }\n' +
' },\n' +
' deleteAccount: async ({ locals: { sb, getSession } }) => {\n' +
' const session = await getSession();\n' +
' if (!session) {\n' +
" throw redirect(303, '/');\n" +
' }\n' +
' \n' +
" // Delete user's profile from the database\n" +
" await sb.from('profiles').delete().eq('id',;\n" +
' \n' +
" // Delete user's account using the deleteUser function\n" +
' try {\n' +
' await deleteUser(;\n' +
' } catch (error) {\n' +
" // return fail(500, 'Failed to delete user account');\n" +
' }\n' +
' \n' +
' // Sign the user out\n' +
' await sb.auth.signOut();\n' +
" throw redirect(303, '/');\n" +
' }\n' +
'\n' +
' \n' +
'} satisfies Actions;\n' +
@mschmdb is the repo open source? Can you share a link to it?
@ivanhofer unfortunately not. Compliance stuff...
Can you create a small repository where I can reproduce the issue?
@ivanhofer not needed anymore. problem was with satisfies
in the code. Just deleted it, now the route is running & vercel deployment. Sorry for wasting your time, but thx for all your contribution & work.
Could you please share the code snippet you have used previously? Someone will probalby run into the same issue in the future if we don't address it.
export const actions = {
//your action
} satisfies Actions;
export const actions = {
//your action
have the same problem on local environment
Internal server error: did not recognize object of type "TSSatisfiesExpression"
Plugin: vite-plugin-inlang-sdk-js-sveltekit
@moonvader if you can, just remove satisfies
in your code until we fix the issue.
is able to offer full typesafety for it's built-in feature-set:
Could you please advise me where this satisfies
is located?
Could you please advise me where this
is located?
I don't know your code base. CTRL + F
and search for satisfies
@ivanhofer thank you, I got some progress but translation still not working. I started separate issue with all the details and steps taken.
Unfortunately, Ivan has passed away, and we are trying to find a solution. I will close this issue as not planned for now when we have a solution.
Inlang on sveltekit, works on localhost. When I commit my changes and push, the test-deployment on vercel exits with:
Expected behavior
Build would succeed
Steps to reproduce
Additional information (screenshots?)
Packages: ├── @accuser/svelte-plausible-analytics@0.2.0 ├── @carbon/charts-svelte@1.6.14 ├── @carbon/charts@1.6.4 ├── @carbon/themes@11.18.0 ├── @floating-ui/dom@1.2.8 ├── @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons@6.4.0 ├── @inlang/sdk-js@0.6.1 ├── @playwright/test@1.34.3 ├── @skeletonlabs/skeleton@1.6.2 ├── @supabase/auth-helpers-sveltekit@0.8.7 ├── @supabase/supabase-js@2.23.0 ├── @sveltejs/adapter-auto@1.0.0-next.91 ├── @sveltejs/adapter-vercel@2.4.3 ├── @sveltejs/kit@1.19.0 ├── @tailwindcss/forms@0.5.3 ├── autoprefixer@10.4.14 ├── carbon-components@10.58.3 ├── d3@7.8.4 ├── dotenv@16.0.3 ├── postcss-load-config@4.0.1 ├── postcss-preset-env@7.8.3 ├── postcss-simple-vars@7.0.1 ├── postcss@8.4.23 ├── prettier-plugin-svelte@2.10.0 ├── prettier@2.8.8 ├── svelte-check@3.3.2 ├── svelte-fa@3.0.4 ├── svelte-local-storage-store@0.4.0 ├── svelte-multiselect@8.6.2 ├── svelte-preprocess@5.0.3 ├── svelte-seo@1.5.3 ├── svelte@3.59.1 ├── tailwindcss@3.3.2 ├── tslib@2.5.2 ├── typescript@5.0.4 ├── vite@4.3.8 └── vitest@0.29.8