oprypin / nightly.link

Downloads the latest "nightly" build/artifact from a continuous testing workflow
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Link not refreshing #26

Open Levminer opened 3 years ago

Levminer commented 3 years ago


My link is not refreshing (https://nightly.link/Levminer/authme/workflows/alpha-artifacts/dev/authme-latest-alpha-windows-x64-installer-portable.zip)

(You can check the build.json which is alpha.210723.xxx but is should be 210805.xxx)


fucksophie commented 3 years ago

Hello! I've been experiencing the same problem. It seems due to how the searches are done, because if I try using is:success, it doesn't work, but if I try is:completed I can see it. Very weird.

Edit: I am trying to use this in a semi-automtous environment, through https://github.com/yourfriendoss/2b4c/blob/main/src/main/java/twobeefourcee/core/commands/Update.java (autoupdating a minecraft plugin). I don't know if that matters, but it's a quick note.

fucksophie commented 3 years ago

This is a duplicate of #2.

Levminer commented 3 years ago

I don't think so. If I add ?status=completed it still doesn't work.

yusdacra commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue. On here you can see that the github workflow linked is not the latest completed workflow. Using ?status=completed or not doesn't matter.

Levminer commented 3 years ago

@oprypin Can you take a look at this?

oprypin commented 3 years ago

https://nightly.link/Levminer/authme/workflows/alpha-artifacts/dev/authme-latest-alpha-windows-x64-installer-portable currently links to https://github.com/Levminer/authme/actions/runs/1059331544#artifacts

GitHub's search https://github.com/Levminer/authme/actions?query=event%3Apush+is%3Asuccess+branch%3Adev also links to that

In such case, I probably can't do much about this.

oprypin commented 3 years ago

And indeed the same for https://github.com/harmony-development/Crust/actions?query=event%3Apush+is%3Acompleted+branch%3Amaster -- the builds shown are old but without any status specifier there are in fact recent completed builds https://github.com/harmony-development/Crust/actions?query=event%3Apush+branch%3Amaster

oprypin commented 3 years ago

To clarify: I'm just using information from GitHub, and GitHub is clearly serving wrong information.

Levminer commented 3 years ago

But if I add ?status=completed I should get the latest, but I don't.

Or that is GitHub fault too?

oprypin commented 3 years ago

GitHub is giving wrong information for that too. This is seen at a link I already sent above: https://github.com/harmony-development/Crust/actions?query=event%3Apush+is%3Acompleted+branch%3Amaster

If I don't specify any status specifier, GitHub works correctly, but using that unrefined data would require a new implementation on my side, but I haven't looked into that yet.

oprypin commented 3 years ago

And to be fully clear: I agree that the issue exists

Levminer commented 3 years ago

In that case referring to #2. I pushed about 10 small commits from cherry-picking so I think that broke the actions for me

misternebula commented 2 years ago

I'm also getting this issue.

Inputting https://github.com/misternebula/quantum-space-buddies/blob/dev/.github/workflows/build.yaml gives a 404, and the "Check On GitHub" link goes to an older build.

Baklap4 commented 2 years ago

Any fix for this? It seems we have the same isse aswell.. We made some static links to our README.MD they should be in the right format: https://nightly.link/performous/performous/workflows/build_and_release/master/Performous-latest.exe

However when going to https://nightly.link/performous/performous/workflows/build_and_release/master We don't see the binaries we've uploaded in our latest succeeded workflow: https://github.com/performous/performous/actions/runs/2186039506

Levminer commented 2 years ago

Yes its buggy again, I noticed it too, It should fix itselft.

But for a workaround if I remember correctly rename your workflow for something else and it should work

Baklap4 commented 2 years ago

Maybe this is related: https://github.community/t/bug-list-workflow-runs-returns-0-workflows-after-page-10/242394 ?

Also seeing: image

I do have about 22 pages of runs atm

Baklap4 commented 2 years ago

More issues arise a github's forums:

One particular comment claims to got a response from github image

oprypin commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Baklap4 -these threads indeed seem to point to the real cause of this.

Baklap4 commented 2 years ago

Seems this issue has resolved itself. I'm not getting errors anymore :)

Baklap4 commented 2 years ago

I guess this can be closed.

To resume

For future users who may run into this problem: It's probably a failure on Github's apis. This may be indicated by a red banner: image

To check which artifacts should be shown go to https://github.com/<YourOrganizationOrUser>/<YourRepo>/actions?query=event%3Apush+is%3Acompleted+branch%3A<YOUR_BRANCH>

The beforementioned url filled in looks like this: https://github.com/oprypin/nightly.link/actions?query=event%3Apush+is%3Acompleted+branch%3Amaster

The artifacts from the last completed action are the results shown at nightly.link's site.